Week In Review~October 19, 2015

I have received a Welcome Home blogging gift.  Meghan at Clean Eats Fast Feets has reinstated Week In Review.  I’m really excited about this because for me WIR was always a good way to start the week and get things going both in my blogging life and real life.  Meghan’s contention is that we don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we do in the course of a day or a week.  This allows us to see what we’ve been doing with our time.  Meghan is a great list maker and I’m trying to emulate her.  My list making was a little hap hazard as I try to settle back in from three weeks in my happy place (New Mexico!) but I think I’ve done a decent job.

Week In Review Button Final

1. My first focus on my return had to be getting back on track with Weight Watchers.  There are no WW meetings in Silver City, the town where our house is in New Mexico.  The closest is an hour and a half away in Las Cruces.  When we move there I’m going to have to figure how I can get to a meeting there at least once a month.  I’ll work on it.

First thing I did was put in a pot of black beans to soak and go into the crock pot the next day.  Then I wanted to get everything I needed to make my WW veggie soup.  I never thought of this before, but I prepped the soup on Sunday night and was able to just plug in and turn on the crock pot when I got up Monday morning.  Believe me, I’ll be doing it that way from now on.

I had put on about a pound and a half while I was away.  I didn’t think that was too bad.  I wore the same clothes I’d worn the last time I weighed in so that any difference was weight, not clothes.  I weighed in Saturday morning and in spite of the fact that I was wearing jeans because it was too cold to wear capris, I lost 2.2 pounds!  I had worked really hard, journaled all of my foods and tried to stay focused.  That and the availability of the  veggie soup did the trick.

2. I went to the gym 5 times.  I know that those visits also helped with my weight loss and getting myself back on track.  Being in Silver City for such a short time, I didn’t try to sign up for a gym there.  Plus the 3000 miles of riding in the car didn’t help.  I started out pretty stiff the first two days but by mid-week I was feeling back in control.  Again, I was happy with my focus and dedication.  I feel much better now and I’m going to do my best to get there as often as I can this week.

3.  My long hiatus from blogging came to an end.  I wrote and published 4 blog posts in the past week.  I do enjoy the link-ups like Week In Review.  I still haven’t decided if I’ll have a hard and fast schedule or if I’ll just go free style.  For now, I think I’ll see how I do and work from there.  It seems that my readers have not forgotten me and for that I am very grateful.

4. Here is where the whole list making idea is going to be helpful.  I really, Really want to get things on track with our move to New Mexico. I’ve started trying to list what I have to accomplish in order to make that happen.  I’m also trying to give myself alternatives so that if one thing doesn’t work, I have a back up plan.  Lots and lots to do regarding this.  This is important to me and I will be focusing on this.  Let the Listing Begin!

Be sure to stop over to Clean Eats, Fast Feets to check out what accomplishments are on everyone else’s lists.

Don’t Forget to…

Drink coffee and Make Lists

10 responses to “Week In Review~October 19, 2015

  1. It sounds like you’ve hit the ground running on the weight watchers stuff! Nice job! I’m so glad you’re back to blogging 🙂

  2. Yay for soaking black beans! I did that last night, too!

  3. lists are great!

  4. I love the little “drink coffee and make lists” picture. It’s perfect, and you had a bang up week, my friend. Congratulations on getting back on track with the food and fitness. It definitely paid off on the scale.

    I love the idea of listing out back up plans. That’s smart. Also break big list items into more detailed ones. That always helps me. For example, instead of saying “yard work,” I say “clean out front left flower bed,” “clean out front right flower bed,” “edge front lawn,” and “trim hedges.” It feels more obtainable that way and allows me to see just how hard I worked.

    Thanks for linking up and keep on listing!!

    • Thanks so much for always being a support and always making me smile! I like your suggestions for breaking things down, too. Glad you like my little whale /dolphin… Not sure what he is! Someone posted him on Facebook and I snatched him up. Thought he was appropriate for WIR!

  5. Drink coffee and make lists… sounds perfect to me!
    Isnt it amazing how good it feels to just switch on and leave the slow cooker bubbling away doing its thing? One of my favourite ways to meal prep!

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