Monthly Archives: February 2012

WIAW~Veggie Stock Up!

Oh Happy Day!!  No, really, It Is!! It’s What I Ate Wednesday~Love Your Veggies and now I actually have some veggies!  WIAW is that wonderful thrill ride of food and fun which is the brain child of Jenn over at Peas & Crayons!  When you’re finished reading here, please hurry over there to catch up on all of the great doings and be sure to leave some comments …we all love comments! 😉  So here we go!

Peas and Crayons

It’s hard to explain how lost I felt when I didn’t have my usual stock of veggies in the fridge.  They are my anchor and my support when it comes to food.  Veggies are what keep me going in following Weight Watchers.  When I don’t have them, I stand there sight seeing in the fridge and freezer trying to come up with something to have for my meals! 

A trip to the produce market helped me to feel a much more secure.  I purchased plum tomatoes (the best!), red bell peppers, zucchini, Romaine lettuce and baby spinach.  I tried not to get carried away because my fridge space is limited and it get’s frustrating trying to find places for all of it.  This all fit nicely!

I also grabbed some pink lady apples and come clementines which were only $5 for the crate.  Better price than I’ve seen in a while.  So excited!

Now I feel calm and in control.

I made myself a delicious little lunch plate.

I remembered that I had cottage cheese in the fridge so a half cup of that accompanied by a half cup of the egg salad I made on Monday was perfect with some carrots and celery which I’d pre chopped also on Monday.  Having the egg salad ready is a great idea for lunches.  Having the veggies prepped and in the fridge is a long standing WW trick to help avoid snacking issues.  I need to do it more often and I plan to from now on.

For dinner, I couldn’t resist one of my Big Purple Bowl salads!

To flash…

Or not to flash…

I’m never sure which looks better.  Either way it tasted great!  Romaine, green bell peppers, celery, plum tomato, crock pot black beans ( yes, I’m Still working on them!) shredded cheese and balsamic vinaigrette.  Very tasty and so filling I didn’t have Any snacks after dinner.  I kept thinking that I had clementines and apples, but just never really felt like I needed them.

So that’s it for me for WIAW.  I feel so much better now that I’m re-stocked.  It’s always a good idea to have the things on hand that keep you on track.  That’s the way to be successful!

Don’t forget to rush over to Peas & Crayons now to check out all of the fun.  We all love it when you visit!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Someone Needs To Shop!

I started Monday with all good intentions to go grocery shopping.  As the morning passed, I became less and less inclined to do it. Even though I realized that there was next to nothing of my usual good choices in the house.

That is on my list of things to do today.  It HAS to be!! 😉

I did have a few things to get me through.

I almost forgot that I had splurged and picked up a few Chobani Greek Yogurts last week.  I tried the new apple cinnamon and it was really tasty.  I should probably buy these more often regardless of the cost because they are such a wonderful source of protein.  They’re on my list for today.

Now that I think about it, I did pretty well with protein on Monday.

While I made chicken salad or Ralph, I cooked up some hard-boiled eggs.

Ralph had brought me home another of the Wawa garden salads so I thought I’d combine it with some of my egg salad.

Between the egg and garbanzo beans that come with the salad and the addition of my egg salad, this really was a protein packed lunch.  It kept me filled for quite a while.

Afternoon found me reading, I’m enjoying Mockinjay but I’m not sure if I like it as much as the previous 2 books in the Hunger Games series. 

Dinner time found me scrounging around in the freezer (since I knew there was nothing in the fridge!) and I was able to come up with a couple of old veggie burgers, freezer burned and lurking behind a bag of frozen veggies.  Hey…I could have eaten the frozen veggies…it never occurred to me…duh… 😦

Trust me the veggie burgers weren’t worth photographing. 

I’ve got a long shopping list and several stops to make today.  I really should never let my supplies get this low…that’s how I get in to trouble. 

I hope there are lots of sales today!

Happy Tuesday!!

May I Have The Envelope, Please!

Sunday was a day spent working at getting out of a funk. 

Started the morning by meeting for coffee with my sister, Ele and my friend, Kristen.  Our favorite spot for this is Dunkin’ Donuts.

I was very good.  I don’t know why but even though it was pretty chilly…I wanted iced coffee.  With a shot of sugar-free cinnamon syrup, it was very tasty.

Some other people were not as well-behaved…

Ele certainly enjoyed herself!! 😉

We chatted for a good long time.  We love going to DD because no one tries to shoo us out, we can sit as long as we like.  It was so nice to have a chance to get together again!

I now have this in my possession…

Mockingjay (Hunger Games Series #3)

I started it last night and I’m already caught up in the continuing story.  I didn’t read as much as I would have like because I was, of course attending the Oscars.  I’m going to work on devouring it today!

Ralph and I took a quick trip to the WaWa to get some lunch ( I realized I hadn’t actually eaten so I thought it was a good idea.)

WaWa lets you build your own sandwich.  I had pepper jack cheese melted on the bun, then spinach, tomato and roasted red pepper added.  It was delicious. It was also very filling which helped me with my recent issues with grazing in the evenings.

While watching the Oscars all I had was popcorn, an orange and a Tootsie Pop.  Accompanied by water of course.  I was very proud of myself for that and for staying awake for the entire ceremony. 😉

One interesting side note is that I’ve actually met one of last night’s winners.  My best friend from college was George Potts who was a costume designer.  He worked on quite a few Broadway productions and movies.  (I actually have clippings of Richard Chamberlain’s hair that George saved for me while working on a show with him.)

During one of my visits with George in New York, he introduced me to J. Roy Helland.  Roy is an amazing makeup artist.  Back then one of the people he worked with was a rising young actress named Meryl Streep. 

In the years following, being a fan of Meryl Streep and the kind of person who watches All of the credits in a movie, I would notice Roy’s name always appearing in her movies.

It was so exciting to see him win for Best Makeup for “The Iron Lady.”  It was additionally exciting to hear Meryl Streep thank him in her acceptance speech and talk about their long collaboration. 

It is all the more touching to me because my friend, George passed away about 14 years ago and tomorrow is his birthday.  I know he would be very proud of his old friend, Roy.

Happy Monday!

In A Funk

I feel ashamed and there is no photographic proof to this, but I feel compelled to be truthful.

I ate half a pizza yesterday.  😦  I’m not proud of it, but it was something I needed to get out of my system.  I haven’t had pizza in a very long time.  However, I did not need to eat it all.  My theory has always been, It’s there…I’m going to eat it eventually…If I eat it now, I can start working it off now.  That’s my theory.  Is it based in fact?  I don’t know.  Prolonging its’ presence doesn’t make me a better person.  I can start with a New Day and a New Attitude. 

I am choosing to look at the positive.  Today should be a very good.

I have plans to go for coffee with my sister, Ele and my friend, Kristen.  We haven’t had a chance to sit and really chat for a while so I’m looking forward to that.

I’m also excited because Kristen will be bringing me this…

Mockingjay (Hunger Games Series #3)

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.  I’m so hooked on this series that I wouldn’t even start another book because I know this one is coming to me today.  I can’t remember the last time I was so excited to find out how something turned out.  Probably Harry Potter!  🙂

The final reason I’m excited is…I have a date with this Guy…

An Academy Award statuette, depicting a knight, rendered in Art Deco style, holding a crusader's sword

Yes, It’s the Oscars!  Live From Los Angeles!  Gee I sound like someone on E! News!

I really do get excited for the Oscars each year.  Give me some wine sometime and I’ll tell you about the best Oscar Night party ever.  Not sure I could have another party mainly because I’m much crankier than I was back then and I’d probably be shushing everyone!  No need for that here tonight.  Ralph will probably only watch a little of it.  He’s not as much a fan as I am.  I’m really looking forward to it.

Hopefully, these things will brighten my day and get me out of this funk.

Oh, and about the pizza…Don’t mention it again, it’s our little secret! 😉

Happy Oscar Sunday!!

Sometimes You Eat The Bear…

Sometimes the Bear eats you.  That’s one of Ralph’s favorite sayings.  Another is Shoot The Bear When It’s There.  Not sure what his hang up is with bears, but…Anyway. 

I was very excited for us to have the chance to get together Friday night with several of my old friends from the hospital where I used to work.  They are lovely ladies and I miss them terribly.  We decided to meet at a local Olive Garden.  I was happy because I knew I could get something vegetarian and also that I could look up their menu on-line to determine the Points.  I’d never done that before and it was painful to find out that their capellini pomodoro was 21 Points on Weight Watchers and the salad with dressing was 8 Points!! That’s my entire Points allowance for the day, and this on a week when I’ve also used most of my Weekly Points Allowance.  Ah well. 

I forgot a photo of my salad but here is my pasta.  It was very tasty but I can make the same thing at home for a LOT fewer Points. 😦  The one good thing about the salad is that there was hardly any dressing on it and probably didn’t really count for 8 Points.  But I have to be honest and count it that way.

We were having such a great time talking and laughing that I never even took any photos of the group.  There were desserts on the table, but not in front of me.  All I had after my meal was coffee.

I was not optimistic heading to WW this morning.  When I got on the scale, I had gained  1 and 1/2 pounds.  It was about what I had expected.  I have to be very focused in the coming week to turn that around.  I’m sure I can do it, I just need to have a plan.

My friend at WW, Wendy shared a wonderful quote this morning. 

“A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish.” 

I like that so much.  I need to formulate a plan for myself this week.  I know I can do it.

To sooth my Pain… 😉 …I made a stop at Goodwill on the way home.

Five books for 49 cents each!!  Excellent!  And I completed my card that will give me 20% off of one purchase.  I had to make 10 purchases.  I’m going to save it or something big!

I’m going through withdrawal.  I going to be getting Mockingjay from my friend tomorrow and I can’t wait to start it!  I don’t want to start anything else in the meantime, but I’m going through…Withdrawal!!

Oh, and I have to prepare for the Oscars!!  What shall I wear?  What shall I prepare?!?  Always such an exciting evening and Billy Crystal is back!!  What could be better?

Happy Saturday!!

What Headache?!

Ok, I’m a big girl and I’ve heard in the past that caffeine withdrawal can leave you with a bad headache.  However, I would have thought that it would take more than one day for it to show up.  Thursday, as soon as I got some coffee into my system, the headache was gone and I was quickly feeling better.  I have periodically thought about giving up coffee, now I’m not too sure.  At least not this week… 😉

Ralph and I decided we felt like getting out for lunch.  We decided to go to In A Pickle.  This is such a fun little restaurant.  It’s small but they have quite a large menu.

I usually go with a salad but I felt the need for something more substantial this time.

I ordered the tomato and mozzarella panini.  It came with a small bag of chips but of course, I passed on them and Ralph got to enjoy them.  As always, we stocked up on the bread and butter pickles from the pickle bar.  It’s so great that you can go up, choose your pickles and get refills if you’re interested.  I’ve had this panini before and it’s very good.  I’m always amazed and pleased by the fact that it is not in the least bit greasy.  It’s really tasty too.

Ralph had their soup of the day which was cream of tomato with crab and said it was delicious.  I again voiced my disappointment to them that their soups are always made with chicken stock rather than vegetable stock and being vegetarian, I can’t eat them.  I figure if I mention it every time I go in, maybe I’ll wear them down.  Maybe I should volunteer to come in and make them some soups with veggie broth so they’ll know they’re just as tasty!  That might be fun…It would certainly be an interesting post for BCDC!! 😉

As always, Ralph did some art work for the ladies who work there.

The art work is always “pickle” themed and they have them all hanging on their bulletin board. Yes…that says Peter Cotton Pickle.  I take no responsibility for his crazy sense of humor!

Lucky for me, dinner was partially made for me.

Ralph had stopped at WaWa and picked up a garden salad for me.  These salads are really pretty good.  They even have the chick peas and egg to add some protein!

I added a red bell pepper, home-made black beans and shredded 2% cheese to the mix.  I really need a trip to the produce market, because I would have added more, but that’s all I had!  It was great though and quick because it was half way made!

Today’s agenda includes dinner with some of the wonderful ladies I used to work with.  We’ll be going to Olive Garden and I need to go on-line to look up the directions and the Points values of some of their entrees.  Heaven only knows what kind of effect this will have on tomorrow’s weigh in.  I’ll do my best!

Happy Friday!!

In A Pickle on Urbanspoon

Hits And Misses

One of the things about writing a healthy living blog is that you examine your food more and think about it more than a normal..uh…Regular person does.  Thinking about it, examining it, planning it.  It all happens much more than I might have thought.

The other day when Ralph and I went to lunch, I ordered an omelette for lunch not realizing that if it came from the lunch menu, it would come with extras.  It came with a side salad and I really was in the omelette mood rather than the salad mood at the time.  I asked the young lady to wrap it for me to take home.  She did.  I didn’t however, eat the dessert that came with it…a certain little cowboy did…Sherriff Ralph to the rescue.

Not big, but a good starting point.

A few additions from the fridge.  The very last of my Romaine…gotta get to the produce market!  Home made black beans, green bell pepper and shredded cheese.

It came with ranch dressing which I mixed with light balsamic vinaigrette.  Very tasty.  A Hit! 🙂

I’ve been telling you lately how much I’m enjoying my oatmeal/oatbran combo  plain with Splenda and almond milk.  I decided to experiment on Wednesday and well…

I decided to add some fat-free vanilla yogurt in place of the almond milk.

It was a little too tangy, even with added Splenda.  I thought it would be more vanilla flavored, but sadly not.  I ate it anyway, it wasn’t dreadful and I wasn’t about to waste it.  I’ll be going back to plain and simple today, I think.  A Miss. 😦

All day Wednesday I had a nagging headache.  Ralph was set for dinner with leftover crock pot roast, so I needed to find something that would be simple, but filling because I felt that otherwise it would be a grazing night…constantly looking for something to snack on.

Whole wheat pasta, home-made black beans, diced tomatoes with green chilies and Parmesan cheese.  Very simple.  I should have added a few more spices, but…

It was tasty and filling.  Another vote for having beans made and ready…it makes coming up with a meal so much easier!  A Hit! 🙂

Sadly, the headache is still with me this morning.  I’m thinking it may be because I had no coffee yesterday…I know that can do it.  I’m drinking some right now hoping it will help.  No change yet, but I should have thought of this yesterday…Miss… 😦

Hoping for the day to improve as I go along.  Hope your’s is terrific!

Happy Thursday!!

WIAW~To Veg Or Not To Veg

It’s that day of the week…half way between weekends…no fun to be had…or is there?!?  Don’t be sad, join in for What I Ate Wednesday, the wonderful party thrown each week by Jen over at Peas & Crayons. When you’ve gotten all the fun you can from BCDC, Puh-leez jump over to Jen’s blog  to ooh and aah over all of the yummies and leave some comments…we all love comments!

Peas and Crayons

For the month of February, the topic is veggies!  Easy for me, not so easy for some others.

A salad with romaine, bell pepper, MorningStar Farms veggie burger, shredded reduced fat cheese and light balsamic vinaigrette.  Easy and filling.

A new flavor of Chobani Greek yogurt-blood orange…Very Good.  Perfect with some Catching Fire!

Homemade black beans from the crock pot…

Combine the black beans with yellow squash, onion, garlic, green bell pepper, 90 second brown rice and shredded cheese.

All mixed up in the skillet…

Ready and delicious!  VERY filling!

Out to breakfast at the Gateway diner…

A very tasty broccoli, mushroom and cheese omelette with cottage cheese on the side instead of home fries.  Since this came from the lunch menu, I ended up with a side salad.  I asked for it to go and it will be the basis for another meal.  I love it!  More veggies to be added to more veggies to make…more Veggies!!

So that’s it for this weeks edition of WIAW.  Be sure to stopover to Peas & Crayons to join in on all of the fun.  You can’t find more fun for a cheaper admission price…Anywhere!!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!  Get your Veggie On!!

Not Fat Tuesday

Huh…Fat Tuesday…I think I take personal offense at that name.  Just kidding!  Although I’ve known about Mardi Gras since I was a child, it wasn’t so many years ago that I found out the translation was Fat Tuesday.  I remember saying “Huh…” when I learned out what it meant. 

When I was leading my Weight Watchers meetings, I did everything I could to not use the word Fat in my lectures.  Oh sure, I said “no-fat” and “low-fat” but I tried to never use the word Fat referring to myself or to the members.  I would cringe when a member would refer to him or her self as Fat.  I really hated the word. 

It probably stemmed from being teased as a child and culminated in high school when I was once compared to Babe The Blue Ox from the Paul Bunyan tale.  Not a happy memory, but I got over it. I am over it, but I continue every day getting over it. 

As much as I feel in control and comfortable about my weight and my self now, those issues still lurk in the back of my mind.  I hate when I hear anyone refer to themselves as fat and I would never refer to anyone that way.  It’s hurtful and mean.

Let me get down from my soapbox before I hurt myself. (Clumsy=Me)

I have a new favorite breakfast.

I read on someone’s blog, I can’t remember who or I would give credit, that they combined oatmeal and oatbran together.  When I found oatbran, I decided I liked it plain.  Just Splenda and almond milk.  If you’ve been reading BCDC for a while, you know how I love cinnamon, but when I tried it in the oatbran, it wasn’t as good!

The same is true with oatmeal/oatbran.  I Love It, but I like it plain, no cinnamon, no blueberries…Nothing but the Splenda and almond milk.  It tastes so good.  It counts the same as regular oatmeal for me on WW so that makes me happy.

So although I still love my oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberries…

This is my new obsession.  Try it.  Yum…

Happy Not Fat Tuesday!!


Trying And Succeeding

I’m really trying to get my mind focused on staying on track.  Why is it harder sometimes than others?  I guess it just is.

Sunday was a good day for me. I was able to keep myself on track and make good choices overall.  The one real treat ( and I mean REAL treat), was added in to my Points and I felt in control of it.

My project for the day, though undocumented by photos, was to cook a roast for Ralph in the crock pot.  I had mentioned that I bought a prepackaged roast at Aldi that came complete with potatoes, vegetables and seasoning packet.

It worked great.  It needed to cook a little longer than it said on the package, but I alway say you have to experiment with a crock pot.  Every one seems to work differently.  Ralph was thrilled with his roast and he has half left over for another meal.

After getting the roast in the crock pot, I made breakfast for us.  A regular egg sandwich for Ralph and for me, an egg wrap.

Two eggs cooked up in a little skillet with just spray oil, salt and pepper.  I used one of the Ole’ wraps.  These are great and only count for 2 Points on Weight Watchers.

Looks a little pale, but I added a slice of American cheese and some sriracha sauce and yum yum. I’d never tried sriracha on eggs before but I will again!

I spent most of my day with this…

Catching Fire (Hunger Games Series #2)

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  It’s the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy and as I had hoped it’s as good as the first book.  I’m speeding through it.  It’s very exciting so for.  Hopefully I’ll be finished by the weekend and I can start the third book.  Join me over on Goodreads to see what I’m reading and share what you’re reading.  Just click on the Goodreads button on the right side of BCDC.

Dinnertime came and Ralph was all set with his crock pot roast, I had to think of something for myself.

The potato went into the microwave to be cooked.  Unfortunately I cooked it too long and it got hard, but I ate it anyway as the basis for my veggie concoction.

A tablespoon of olive oil, garlic, onion, yellow squash, green bell pepper and tomatoes all sautéed up, and spiced up with various things which I actually forget at the moment!  I should pay more attention to what I’m pulling out of the spice cabinet! 😉

This is how it turned out.  Really tasty and filling topped with shredded cheese made with 2 % milk and as always, sriracha sauce!

I didn’t take a photo of the pastry I ate, not because I was ashamed, I just forgot.  I was brave enough to photograph what I ate yesterday, so I’m not trying to fool you.

So on to a new day.  I’m going to try to get some exercise in today.  I’m ready!  Then I have to get back to Catching Fire!! 😉

Happy Monday!!