Tag Archives: Fall

Saturday Snapshot~November 22

Time is flying the way it always seems to do just before Thanksgiving.  Here we are at Saturday again which means I get to join in with Saturday Snapshot hostessed by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.  This is where we share photos taken by ourselves, family or friends, but not something you just found on the internet.  Think about joining in.  I know a lot of great photographers out there who should be part of this!


I don’t know if I’ve mentioned on here but we own two houses…one of the stumbling blocks to us getting to New Mexico. Oh, right, New Mexico…we own Three!  One of them is about a half hour south of the one where we live.  We usually drive down about once a week to check on things.  I was looking forward to the ride this week because I knew the Fall colors would be beautiful.  I was also looking forward to it because I know there is a Red Maple tree in the yard and I was wondering what it would look like.  I had the feeling it might be too late to catch the beauty of the tree.  Fortunately, I was wrong!

Red maple at Ralph's

I took a number of photos because I wanted to get as many angles as possible.  The tree had lost many of its leaves but there were enough left for some great photos.  I picked this one because I love the contrast of the red leaves, the late afternoon shadows on the trunk and the contrast of the blue sky.  As it happens so often, I don’t think this translates as well as it did in the actual photo.  But I like it anyway.

Red maple leaves on ground at Ralph's

Red maple leaves on a bed of ivy.  I love this one.  When I saw it in person, it looked like a field of poinsettia.  I love this because of the contrast between the red and green.  It almost looks like it should be used as a Christmas decoration!

Red maples have always been one of my favorite trees and I was so pleased that I got to catch the beauty of this one before it was gone for this year.

Be sure stop by at West Metro Mommy Reads to take a look at all of the other wonderful photos being shared there.

Happy Saturday!!

Saturday Snapshot~November 15

I love being a part of Saturday Snapshot hostessed by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads!  You can join us. Just post a photo (or photos) that you have taken. It can be by a family member or friend, not just something you grabbed off of the internet.  Join in…the more the merrier!


Our Autumn has been a little strange here in New Jersey.  Initially we had very little color in the trees. Ralph and I were saying that it was starting to feel disappointing.  But as the weeks have gone on, we’ve started to realize that it’s a good thing.  We had a little color in some areas, then a little in other areas.  Now we’ve got trees in all stages of color which is actually a wonderful thing.  You see the trees which got their color early are now a little dreary but are brightened by colors coming from the trees taking on color now.

As we pulled into the parking lot at the gym Thursday morning (yes…I go to the gym now!!) I was delighted to see this series of trees.

Riverwind trees

It’s hard to see but there are three trees here.  I thought they were so beautiful and the epitome of Autumn.  I hope that where ever you are, you’re having a beautiful Autumn!

Be sure to take a few minutes to visit Saturday Snapshot over at West Metro Mommy Reads to check out what everyone is sharing.

Happy Saturday!

Fogged In

I truly am fogged in at the moment.  It’s kind of creepy and cool outside.  If my NaNoWriMo novel was scary and atmospheric, this would be perfect!  I’m not sure what it is.  It’s starting to feel sad and that wasn’t my intention.  One of my NaNo writing buddies suggested the device where if things aren’t going well in your writing you can introduce a ferret!  Hmmm…there was this boa constrictor I remember…her name was Monique…maybe…  But let’s forget about that now, at the moment we’re on BCDC!

I love What I Ate Wednesday over at Peas & Crayons!  Jenn, you are the Best!!  I get so many wonderful comments and visitors.  Please keep coming back to visit, BCDC is a fun place to be!  My problem is that I get confused about what I’ve told you, so again, I’m just going to dive right in!

Went out for some fun shopping again with Gail and Alice.  This time Angie came along with us.  We headed to the Christmas Tree Shop.  They have such a cool assortment of things and I wasn’t even looking as Christmas decorations.  Here are my treasures from that trip.

Those wonderful little spoons I see everyone using.  $1.69 for four!  I probably should have gotten more! 

A wonderful new bowl for $2.99!

Rice crackers and some veggie soup base that was $3.79 for a really big container that should last a while!  They have such a unique collection of food and food related things there.  I should go more often.  I got 2 Christmas gifts too, but I can’t show them yet… 😉

While we were out we stopped at our usual fave…Taco Bell!  Cheapest lunch around!

Love Taco Bell!

Tuesday night, I built a salad in my Big Purple Bowl using the roasted veggies.

I never thought I’d say this, but I think I’m over salads for a while.  This was tasty but it was all I could do to finish it.  As the weather gets cooler, I guess I’m back to my stir fries, but now I will be doing a lot more with roasted veggies.  I need to come up with some interesting combos.  We’ll see what develops!

Ralph and I decided on lunch out on Wednesday and Subway was fast and easy.  No earthquake this time, but as usual my veggie delite was yummy. They have pepper cheese now so that added to the excitement. Love it!

Ralph hates when I say I want to take our picture, then he tries to direct me…hmmm…wish he’d buttoned his shirt…guess I could have combed my hair…and worn a little makeup…oh well, we had fun!

Wednesday night’s dinner was the best yet with the roasted veggies. 

Two Roma tomatoes, chopped and sautéed in olive oil, S & P and garlic powder.

Last of the roasted veggies-mostly zucchini and yellow squash-same seasonings added.

Two Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean Burgers microwaved for 1 minute then chopped.

Last of the pre-made quinoa on the bottom, the last of my Cabot 50% reduced fat cheddar 😦 and as a reader called it yesterday-Rooster Sauce! Sriracha of course.

This was the best dish yet with the roasted veggies.  Just delicious.  I was sad when I was finished because as someone I know used to say, “It tastes like more!”

This is what gets me through my afternoon NaNo writing sessions…

A cup of tea.  Lately it’s been Republic of Tea Ginger Peach, one of my all time favorites!  Did I tell you I got this container at 50% off?  Oh, yeah, I think I did 😉

What would the end of a post at BCDC be without a Fall picture or two?

I have to get myself writing now.  Hope the fog clears both outside and in my head!

Happy Thursday!

1357/16420   Should be more  😦