Tag Archives: walking

…And The Days Dwindle Down…

Yikes!!  I only have 4 days until we leave and am I ready?!  Put that on your Fat Chance List!  It’s my favorite list…well it must be because that’s the one I use most often!

I should start with something positive…Ok, here we go.  I haven’t mentioned it, but I’m still walking!  I actually added a little distance.  On part of my route the street I’m taking splits and I realized that the road not taken ( cool…a poetry reference!) was steeper and would add about another block of distance because of the way it curves around.  I like adding in the inclines, helps on the old cardio.  My walks really are making me feel good.  I’m going to be disappointed when we go on our trip because I’ll be missing them.  Think I’m going to have to check into whether they let townspeople  use the track at the University.  That would be a good idea.  We have no sidewalks in our area as I’ve mentioned before.  Don’t want to get knocked into a valley!

So on to preparations, how are we doing?  Got most of the laundry done.  My suitcase is still in the basement, it’s just easier if it’s there at the moment.  Once I have most of the clothes in it that I want to take, I’ll bring it upstairs and organize.  I think that will be a Wednesday job.  I can deal with it hanging around upstairs for a few days.  Ralph and I always carry a bag that is our overnight bag…the one we take into the hotel/motel on our nightly stops (if I can get him to make a nightly stop…heavy sigh…)  I have to work on that one to make sure I don’t forget anything…Did I make a list for that bag?! Yikes.  Need to remind Ralph that he needs to do that, too and offer him a bag if he can’t find one (which is likely.)

Ralph had misplaced his wallet somewhere in the house on Sunday.  Monday he found it…then he misplaced it again…He found it again, so at the moment we stand at Ralph-2…Wallet-2.  Hope that’s the final score…heavy sigh…

Also had a fashion show yesterday for things to wear to the wedding we’ll be attending during vacation.  “You’re wearing that…don’t you know it gets cold in San Francisco?”  Yes, I know…I’ve been there and YOU haven’t!!  But both dresses were approved.  I’ve decided that I really don’t like getting dressed up anymore.  Do you think they’d notice if I came in jeans and a golf shirt I got at Goodwill?! …heavy sigh…

We’re going out tonight for the surprise that I spoke about yesterday which I almost spoiled.  Gotta figure out what I’m wearing, and help Ralph find something to wear.  I think this is casual.  Well, if it’s not…it’s Going to be!  I checked the menu and there should be something for the vegetarian to eat.  I should check more often, it’s just that sometimes, I don’t know in advance where we’re going.  Fortunately, when we’re in New Mexico, there are usually lots of vegetarian choices…all those hippies you know… 😉

Lots of things to do, and lots of lists to conquer.  Not much time left until departure, and the pavement is calling my name.  I need to get out there and Walk!!

Happy Tuesday!


Get Off The Tracks~My Train of Thought Is Heading Your Way!

Maybe it’s the heat.  I shouldn’t be able to blame the heat because I haven’t been out in it that much.  I’m lucky that our air conditioning is functioning well and keeping us comfortable.

Even though I’m out walking in the moring, I’ve been doing it early which gets me out before the real heat comes.  I’m sticking with it. I have to make a confession and in truth this was an honest mistake.  Quite a few years ago, I had marked out a route for walking.  It’s great…starts out level, then goes through several uphill areas…good for cardio.  I did the route with my car to track the distance.  I was certain it was 2 miles. Maybe the odometer on that car wasn’t working properly.  I’ve been saying proudly 2 miles!  I just realized yesterday that my pedometer can also tell me the miles I walk.  According to my pedometer, when I got home yesterday I had walked 1.26 miles. 😦  That is Not 2 miles.  I don’t usually look at the pedo while I’m walking…guess I’ll have to today to see if I can pump that up.  Hey, but I’m walking right!

I got an important “pack for the trip” project completed yesterday.  I had a set of dishes stored at Ele’s house that I want to take for the house in New Mexico.  I got it all packed up and in a duffle bag.  It’ll travel safely in the car that way.  Just have to prepare for the question from Ralph…”WHAT have you got in there?!?!”  I know it’s coming.

Here’s where my train of thought goes off track.  I’m reading a book called Art in America by Ron McLarty.

Art in America: A Novel

It has lots of quirky characters and the story is moving along quickly.  I like that.  I read McLarty’s The Memory of Running a few years ago and I liked that very much.  But for those of you who don’t know him, Ron McLarty is a character actor of some reknown.  If you saw him you’d probably say…”Oh, yeah…That guy!”  It started me thinking about something that I loved in which he participated, now over 20 years ago.  “Cop Rock.” 

This was a series by Steven Boccho who created Hill Street Blues, L. A. Law, and later NYPD Blue and my personal favorite, Murder One.  But back then when I heard that Cop Rock was coming on I remember saying to myself…it’s a Steven Boccho show AND there’s singing!  How can it miss?!

Well by a lot of peoples standards, it was a Big miss.  I, however loved it! I was sorry when it was cancelled.  I remember a few years after it went off the air, VH1 showed the entire series in one day.  Back when VH1 still showed music videos and seeing a TV series aired there was unusual.  But there was the singing…It was perfect.  I taped the entire thing. 

So back to thinking about Ron McLarty, I started thinking about whether Cop Rock was available on DVD now.  I started searching on Google. No.  Not just No, but NO!  And apparently there are a lot of people waiting Very impatiently for it to be released!  I have something Very Valuable hiding Somewhere in the boxes of my video collection in my basement.  That alone should get me digging through things.  Besides, I’d really like to watch it again.  Seems like I’m one of the few people who Could watch it.  I guess that’s kind of exciting.

Except, I have to pack for our trip…So however exciting it is to know I have something that a lot of people want…I need to get this train back on the track…Go figure out just how much 2 miles is…and get packing!!

Happy Thursday!!

WIAW~Walking, Walking, Walking

Good Morning and welcome to the latest edition of What I Ate Wednesday!! Do I sound like a game show host?!  Not that I want to  but what the Heck!  Wednesday is the happiest day of the week around here. Why?  Because the delightful Jenn over at Peas & Crayons brings us all together each week for all of this fun!  Don’t forget to stroll over there and see all of the wonderful food and be sure to leave some comments!

Peas and Crayons

Yes, we’re still acting all fit!  For once, I don’t have to feel left out…as my title suggests…I’ve been walking and walking… I’ve walked 2 miles almost everyday over the past 2 weeks.  That’s not much for some people, but I’m just getting back into this.  In spite of the heat, I get out there early and give it my best!  I’m feeling really good about it and the days that I’ve had to miss for various reasons, there’s definitely something missing in my day.  I’m sticking with it!! 🙂

How about some food?  Ok by me!

Overnight oats with Spiru-tein tropical fruit flavor mixed in and a nectarine on top…So Good!

This salad looks a lot like my usual ones.  But I was finishing up some celery and it was SO crunchy that it took me over an hour to eat it!  I love a meal like that…the longer it takes me to eat it, the less likely I am to need a snack!

Over the weekend, Ralph and I went to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast.  Had my usual fav…iced coffee and the veggie and egg flatbread sandwich.  So good!

However, I have to confess….

I also had an apple fritter…I shouldn’t have but it was SO good!!  And yes…I counted the Points! 😉

Another salad in the lovely Big Purple Bowl!  This one had Morningstar Farms Veggie burger cooked up and added in.  Yummy!!

That’s about it for food photos this week…it’s not that I’m not eating…just not taking many photos.  Trust me, I’ll be overloading you with food photos when we’re on our trip which is less than 2 weeks away!!! I’m so excited!  I’m so behind!! We’ll see how well I stay on track then!!

That’s WIAW for me this week.  Hope you’ve all had a good week.  Be sure to scurry over to Peas & Crayons to take a look around and remember to leave a comment!  It’s such fun…you’ll never know if you don’t try.

Me?  Well, I’m going out walking !! Walking, Walking, Walking…

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Never Let A Late Start Get The Better Of You!

I confessed Monday morning that I “slept in” until 5:30.  I have to be honest when it comes to my walking routine, I wish I had been awake at 3:30.  I didn’t get out of the house to walk until about 5 minutes to 8.  By then, there were all kinds of people and cars and dogs to bark at me which really made my walk less than enjoyable.  Eventually I got into my rhythm, but it took some trying.  The other drawback was that it was Much hotter out than I had expected.  Hopefully I’ll find a happy medium on wake ups.  🙂

I did realize one good thing during my walk today.  In thinking,  I realized that as I’m out there walking, I’m getting my Vitamin D!  I’m not really much of an outdoor person, but this is a big bonus as far as I’m concerned.  Love my morning walks!

Regardless of the fact of my late start, I got out to pick up a few things at Aldi and also a stop at Family Dollar…one of my favorite spots.  I needed a new sink stopper.  Got it for $1!!! Ok, by Me!

I also got some things done around the house that I’ll be happy about when I get back from our big trip.  I got the curtains down and washed in both the kitchen and bathroom.  I got the windows cleaned also and everything looks sparkly!  This may not sound like much but when most of your house looks like a storage unit, small things give you pleasure and hope!

After my walk I had a wonderful experience.  I had finished off a jar of Sunbutter and was saving the jar for overnight oats.  Finally remembered on Sunday night to make some.

The jar might look a bit misshapen.  That’s because I like my overnight oats warmed in the microwave.  I have to say that this was extremely tasty.  I splurged the other day and made a stop at Target to pick up a replacement jar (actually 2!)  I had a partial gift card to use.  I wish this wasn’t so expensive because I’m hooked.  Not eat it with a spoon hooked like I am with regular peanut butter or Biscoff, but spread it on caramel corn rice cakes hooked. I just Love it!!

I also felt good about getting a lot of laundry done.  I have got to get myself started sorting and packing for our trip.  I’m still trying to unearth our suitcases!! Help!  I need a Personal Assistant!!

Happy Tuesday!!

Sleeping Late

After about a week of waking up at 3:30 am and not being able to get back to sleep, I slept until 5:30 today! I almost feel like I overslept!  It was strange to wake up with daylight out there! Now I feel like I’m behind! I guess there’s something to be said for posting the evening before and scheduling.  Better late than never, here I am!

Sunday was a not much happening day for us.  I was up and out for my walk.  It felt really good to get back to it after missing two days. I have to get out of here now and hit the pavement this morning!  I’m so glad I started this and I’ll be keeping it up.

We had talked about going to Barnes & Noble so when Ele got home from church, off we went!  I love going there, even if I’m so reluctant to pay real money for my books anymore.  Saw one that I really wanted, sequel to The Shadow of the Wind, but even with gift cards in my pocket…I couldn’t do it.  I think that will be the one that breaks me though.  I loved Shadow of the Wind so much, I really want to read it.

When we were finished our browsing we went into the Cafe.  The last two times I’ve been there, I’ve had their iced green tea which I’ve enjoyed. But I saw something new on the menu…Cool Lime Refresher.  It’s made from green coffee bean extract.

I love anything with lime in it (with the exception of lime flavored beer…blech!)  This was definitely lime, but with a really unique flavor.  I can’t even think of how to describe it.  I would certainly have it again, but I’m afraid it’s only here for the summer.  So strangely tasty.  Is that a compliment?  I mean it as one! 😉

Thanks for all of your comments yesterday on my book rant.  I love talking about books, so please, anyone who ever wants to leave a comment with a recommendation or a question about books please do.  I also always recommend Goodreads.  I love it and if you’d like to be friends with me, just let me know what your Goodreads name is and I’ll send you a friend request.   I can’t think of anything better than keeping the book discussion going!

I’m already late for my date with the pavement…I’ve got to get my size 9 1/2’s moving out the door~

Happy Monday!!

Should We or Shouldn’t We?

I got all caught up in telling about the wonderful 50th anniversary lunch yesterday that I completely skipped Tuesday and quite a monumental lunch.

I’m usually the one when Ralph suggests going out for lunch, I say “Ok, what’s today?  Let me think…well maybe…”  On Tuesday for some reason…It was a different story!

Ralph suggested going to 25 Burgers and I immediately said yes!  We had been there once before and thought it was very good.   It is good but what they serve you is Huge and could really be a problem if we went there too often.

I like it because they offer a veggie burger AND you can have it turned into any one of their 25 burgers!

Oh, Lordy!  I got a 6 alarm burger.  That included fresh salsa, jalapeno and hot peppers, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato and chipotle may.  It was dreadfully messy but enormously tasty!  Ralph insisted that I get sweet potato fries and I didn’t put up much of a fight.  I was just feeling like something decadent and believe me I got it!  There was a tasty dipping sauce with the fries which I forgot to ask about.  It was incredibly tasty and believe me, I won’t be doing this too often!  It was so good!!

Tell me…Do you think Ralph is happy about his burger?!  I think he was!

I’m actually excited about something.  After doing my post yesterday about the anniversary party, I needed to post the pictures on Facebook.  I actually taught myself how to do an album on Facebook!  I’ve been trying to learn how to do that for all the time I’ve been on there!  I know that might not sound like much of an accomplishment for some of you…but I was pretty proud of myself! 🙂

I’m also reading a rather interesting book

The Annunciation of Francesca Dunn: A Novel

Found it at Goodwill, of course!  Very interesting story.  I’m about a third of the way through it.  Hope it stays interesting!

I’m still working hard and doing well with my walking!  I was up and out by 6:30 this morning!  It was actually cool and very comfortable for walking. I’m so glad I started this!

Happy Friday!!

25 Burgers on Urbanspoon

WIAW~I’ve Got The Fitness Thing Working!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!  Here at BCDC, we just love WIAW! It’s that great, fun, food and fitness party presented every week to you our loyal readers by Jenn at Peas & Crayons!  It couldn’t be more fun if we tried, so be sure to run over to P & C when you’re finished here to check out the fabulous food and fitness fun happening over there each week.  Leave some comments, too…We Bloggers LIVE for comments! 😉

Peas and Crayons

So first off…What’s my fitness week been like?  Very fit, thank you!  July 1, I started walking and I’ve kept up with it very well.  Doing my daily 2 miles has been a big step in the right direction for me, and relatively easy!  I wasn’t getting enough exercise and as I get older, according to my doctor, I need to do more “weight-bearing exercise.”  Walking is considered a weight-bearing exercise.  It’s easy, it doesn’t cost anything, and I Like It!  I missed 2 days since I started, one because it was too darned hot out!  But that day I walked at the mall…maybe not 2 miles, but I walked.  I hope to keep this up throughout the summer and into the Fall.

I’ll have to adjust a bit when we go on vacation because as I’ve mentioned before, the area where our house is in New Mexico does not have sidewalks and I don’t feel comfortable walking on the streets…too hilly with bad sight lines for oncoming cars.  I’ll figure out something to do.  We’ll have to see what! 😉

So food photography has been lacking this week.  I’ll show a few things I’ve enjoyed this week!

Dunkin’ Donuts breakfast…always one of my favorites!

Yummy vegetarian hot and sour soup!

Eggplant with garlic sauce…Tofu added!

Leftovers made into a quick, easy and delicious lunch salad!

After a trip to Aldi and the produce market…a breakfast/lunch of a banana, a fig (oh joy, oh rapture!) and Greek black cherry yogurt.  This is a new flavor from Aldi and it was so delicious.  Even though I’m trying to clear out the fridge prior to our trip…I stocked up a bit.  Glad I did! 

So that’s about it for me for What I Ate Wednesday…Hope you’ve all enjoyed it.  Please be sure to visit Peas & Crayons…look around and get some wonderful ideas…oh yes…and leave some Comments!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!  Get out there and get FIT!!

The Goal for July…

Happy July!  Actually my goal for July is to get to New Mexico, but since I have to wait until at least the 28th for the beginning of our journey, I thought I’d set some other goals and just try to accomplish things between then and now.

For whatever reason, with no preparation, I decided on Sunday morning to join the Ultimate Blog Challenge.


This is different from the Blogging A to Z Challenge in that there is no set theme.  The key is simply to post every day (I do that as a rule, anyway) and to post to Twitter and Facebook.  I’m pretty sure I can handle it.  Part of the intention is also to create more traffic on the blogs.  One of the best things I learned from the A to Z is that there are SO many blogs out there that I never would have found without the challenge.  I’m hoping that will be the case this time.  If you’re interested in the Challenge, just click on the badge above and join in!

Another pop goal I set for myself is walking !  I actually have been thinking of this since Thursday or Friday and decided I would start Sunday morning.  I didn’t disappoint myself.

Up and out the door by 6:45am!!  I walked for 30 minutes and what I would calculate as almost 2 miles.  I had the route measured out quite a few years ago when I used to walk a lot.  I need to add one more block to get all the way to 2 miles, but I think the distance I went was great for my first time out.  It wasn’t even too hot that early.  Proud of myself!  I also finally got a battery for my pedometer and I will be trying to get my 10,000 steps in a day. 

In order to get it out of my system for the rest of the week, we decided to go out for ice cream.   Again, I’m proud, I only had a small dish.

Black raspberry, my new favorite!  And guess who’s here for a visit?

Little Michael with his brand new summer hair cut and Grummy (my sister, Ele looking lovely in turquoise!)

Ralph, little Michael and Ele.  We had a good time!

Knowing that our trip is coming up at the end of the month, I have some other goals I’d like to take care of.

1. Go through clothes that I have in the laundry room in boxes.  Separate to have the clothes I need for the trip and to start a collection of the things I plan to add to my yard sale items.

2. Go through the huge collection of paperwork in and around my desk.  Shred what needs to be shredded, get bills lined up to be paid before and during the time we’re away.

3. Start making lists for the trip so that nothing is forgotten. I usually make a master list and I rarely forget anything.  Now if I could just get Ralph to subscribe to this practice!

I think those are enough goals for now.  I’m sure as the weeks go on, I’ll have more to add.  I think I’m going to start making lists of what I accomplish during the day.  I feel sometimes that I haven’t done anything, then I realize I have done quite a bit.  If I make a list, I won’t have to think so hard.

So Here’s July!  Hope we can all survive it.  The Ultimate Blog Challenge?  Yes…I can do this!!!

Happy Monday!!