Tag Archives: salad

WIAW~The “Did I Use This Already?” Edition

Ok, I’m Ready! It’s What I Ate Wednesday again! That’s where the fun food bloggers gather to share what they’ve eaten all week long or on a particular day.  I never remember to photograph my food for an entire day.  Maybe I should try that for next week. Besides, I sometimes can’t remember if I’ve used a photo already.  Regardless, it’s hostessed by Jenn over at Peas and Crayons.  Check out what everyone else is sharing when you finish here.

What I Ate Wednesday: FALL into Good Habits

I don’t have a lot to share, but I do have a few tasty treats.

Last Thursday was a birthday celebration for one of Ralph’s sisters, Kathy.  We went to the usual restaurant and I get a little bored with their choices but I do have one favorite that I seem to get regularly.  But first I thought I’d shake it up with my salad choice.

Casesar Salad


I chose the Caesar salad this time and I was very pleased.  The dressing was tasty and they added lots of fresh grated Parmesan cheese.  It was delicious!

My entrée was one that I’ve gotten several times before, but I like it.  It’s called Penne Mediterranean.

Adelphia pasta


It has spinach, onions, tomatoes, feta cheese and pine nuts in a light garlic sauce.  It is very good and it seems to be my go-t0 choice at this restaurant since we’re there so often.  At least I’ve found something I like!

Last but not least is another salad. There’s a pizzeria/restaurant that we’ve been going to a lot lately.  They have an excellent Greek Salad.

Greek Salad


This is one of the best Greek Salads I’ve found in our area.  Lots of olives and feta with garbanzo beans added in.  They don’t mind that I ask for the dressing on the side and it’s a nice light balsamic vinaigrette.  I just love it.  I did have some of their wonderful bread which I showed last week.  That always gets me!

That’s What I Ate Wednesday for me this week.  Be sure to check out what’s going on at Peas and Crayons.  You’ll be glad that you did!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Strange But Good~Restaurant Version

One of the most interesting things about writing a blog is reading other people’s’ blogs.  By doing that, I think I’ve found a lot of kindred spirits with several of my obsessions…Books/Reading…Photography…FOOD!!

Fridays have now become Strange But Good days.  Every time I type that I have to check back to be sure I haven’t typed “strange but true.”  I don’t know why but that keeps coming to mind.  I must be watching too many episodes of Ancient Aliens! 😉

So why not join everyone who is playing along with Strange But Good over at Sprint 2 The Table, hostessed by the lovely Laura.  This link up is starting to rev up and everyone loves to hear your comments, so be sure to stop by.

Sprint 2 the Table

This is not what I intended to write about for Strange But Good.  However due to certain circumstances, Ralph and I found ourselves at one of our favorite diners yesterday, The Meadows in Blackwood.

We’ve eaten at the Meadows a number of times and I’ve almost always eaten the same thing.  They offer a dish called the Athenia Burger.  It’s listed on the menu under “weight watchers.”  Lower case letters I suppose so they can’t be called on the carpet for copyright infringement (Weight Watchers is picky about that!)

The Athenia Burger consists of a small Greek salad side by side with a “burger.”  I know their intention was for it to be a hamburger.  My first time there, after noticing that they offered a veggie burger, I asked if the veggie burger could be substituted and the answer was “yes.”



When I’ve told people about it, they’ve thought I was crazy.  It’s not That strange, but some people can’t seem to think creatively! 😉  In fact several times when I’ve ordered it, a waitress will say, “You want the What??”  I get the feeling it’s not ordered very often.

It’s tasty and filling…two of my requirements.  In truth, yesterday’s veggie burger was a little overcooked but still tasty.  I’m still trying to find out where they get these burgers.  I initially thought they were fresh made and asked if I could get the recipe.  Then a waitress told me they were packaged and I asked if she could find out the brand for me.  The answer I received after she checked is that the chef will not give out that information.  Ok…a “secret” veggie burger.

Rarely one to leave well enough alone, I now have a friend who works there.  I’m going to put her on a mission.  Her husband is a former police detective who worked with Ralph so she’s pretty crafty. If anyone can find out for me she can.  I’m going to get her to find out where they get these burgers.  No kidding, they’re that good.

I’ll let you all know how I do.  It may require some undercover work on my part.  Wait…Me as a waitress…No, you wouldn’t want that! 😉

Remember to stop over at Sprint 2 The Table to enjoy some more Strange But Good foods.

Happy Friday!

WIAW~Happy Anniversary!

As I prepare to write my What I Ate Wednesday post, I realize that it’s going to look as though I’ve fallen off track.  To be honest, it sort of felt that way.  But I’m telling myself that it’s just one day and I will be on the (very) straight and narrow until next Saturday (after weigh in at WW) when I’ll be celebrating my birthday.  Besides, I HAVE to be good…I only have 7 Weekly Points left!!!

So welcome to the Happy Anniversary edition of WIAW sponsored as always by the lovely Jenn at Peas & Crayons!  I guess I have to hope that our theme is still Fall into Good Habits… 😉

Peas and Crayons

Ralph and I decided that we would go out to lunch for our anniversary.  What could be better than a restaurant where we had gift cards to use?! So we were off to Olive Garden.  A bit hokey, perhaps and not always my favorite food, but…the dessert always makes up for it!  😉

We probably shouldn’t have but we started with bruschetta which is one of my favorite things.  In fact, I think the next time I go, I’m ordering this and salad and that will be it!  The world’s largest piece of basil!!

The plate after we had already torn into it!

My first of several returns to the Bruschetta Altar…yum…

Next was the salad which as always was very tasty.  It still bothers me to pay for salad in restaurants because I know how inexpensively it can be made at home.  I enjoyed it regardless!

Portobello mushroom ravioli.  They were a little dry but still tasted pretty good.

Now for the real reason I go to Olive Garden…

The lemon creme cake!!!!!  I really can’t use enough exclamation points here!  This is so delicious and makes me smile every time I eat it.  Their coffee is good to and it was a nice finish to a nice meal.

So you may ask, how this fits in to Falling into Good Habits?  It fits in because I will as I said at the beginning, be very VERY good for the rest of the week.  My plan worked last week and I intend to stick with it.  I haven’t mentioned that I have been either walking or riding my stationary bike every day.  That really does help.  Rainy today so it was the bike for me! I believe That counts as a good habit!

So that’s WIAW for Anniversary Day and the beginning of Birthday Month!  Be sure to stop over at Peas & Crayons…look around and leave some comments.  We all love them!

Happy October!  Happy WIAW!!

The Weight Is Over

Saturday morning started with my alarm not going off at the time I expected.  It’s the only day of the week I set an alarm and the only day I ever seem to over sleep! I was very anxious to get to Weight Watchers to see how I did.  Of course, regardless of how early I get up, I still can’t get into the Center to weigh in until 7:30.  I like to be ready though! 😉

My excitement about getting there paid off.  I lost 2 and 1/4 pounds! I felt pretty certain I’d have a loss but that’s better than I expected.  All of my caution and mindfulness (obsessing…) over the past week paid off.  I tracked and tracked like a crazy person.  Interesting that WW is now encouraging an 8 week Countdown Challenge.  8 weeks until Thanksgiving.  We’ll have a new mission each week to help us stay on track.  The mission this week…Track Your Food! Ok, I think I have this one handled.

Seriously though, I think that tracking is perhaps the most useful tool that WW teaches us.  I know it makes a huge difference for me.  If you’re a WW member or not…if you’re trying to lose or maintain your weight…Write it down!

I hemmed and hawed about this next bit.  I’ve known for several weeks that Saturday was the county library book sale.  I’ve been trying to NOT buy any more books.  It’s not the expense because I usually buy them at Goodwill or one of the other thrift stores and they’re either 49 or 99 cents.  I just HAVE so many.  I finally said, “What the heck!” and asked Ralph if he wanted to go.  He said yes…Ele and I had already discussed the possibility of going so off we went.

Ele was very restrained only buying 3.  In my defense, Ralph bought Many more than I did.  Here’s my pile with a Goodwill purchase thrown in…

Excited that I found another Alice Hoffman, she’s one of my favorites.  I thought the cactus book will come in handy when we get to New Mexico so as Ralph said, “We’ll know which ones have flowers we can cook!”  I was so surprised he said that.  I’ve never read P.D. James, but I’ve picked up several of hers lately.  Think she needs to move to the top of the pile.  Got another one by Jim Ferfus when we were in NM and this one looked interesting.  We’ll see how it goes.

After the book sale, we were all starved and decided to stop at the Harrison House Diner.  We don’t go here very often because there are so many other diners closer and a little less expensive but it was close and we had a good experience.

Trying to stay on track even though I just weighed in I chose what they call their Neptune Salad.

Pretty standard, but that’s what I was looking for.  Romaine, carrots, tomatoes, olives, peppers and feta cheese.  I asked for the balsamic vinaigrette and it was good.  They were also very generous with it, 2 little pitchers which was more than enough.  Must confess I ate 2 rolls as well which were warm and fresh.

I’m starting the new week feeling strong and with my plan in place.  I’ll be tracking everything carefully and sharing what I do.  It is a big help to me when I talk about it here.  I’ll make it interesting I promise. 😉

Off to see what excitement Sunday holds!

Happy Sunday!!

Harrison House Diner on Urbanspoon

WIAW~I’m Walking The Walk

I’m feeling strong and focused about this Entire food choice thing.  I’m feeling that I AM back on track and will continue to be.  Now of course, I know like all of you know, it will happen again at some point in time.  As long as it doesn’t happen TOO often and as long as I don’t need to pay anything to anybody (Weight Watchers) on Saturday, we can all remain friends!! 😉

But of course we know why we’re here today.  Disneyworld may claim to be the happiest place on Earth (we all know it’s actually New Mexico 😉  ) but the happiest Day of the week is Wednesday…Why?? What I Ate Wednesday, Of Course!!  It’s the fun and games thought up by Jenn at Peas & Crayons.  She just lets us play along!

Peas and Crayons

Our theme is still Fall Into Good Habits.  I guess I’ve been falling Back into good habits and I am feeling so much more focused and pleased with what I’ve been doing.

On Sunday night, I made something that does not photograph well, but was very tasty.

I sautéed up onion, garlic, zucchini and spices with a can of Ro-Tel fire roasted tomatoes with green chile.  When it was all cooked, I stirred in a cup of cottage cheese.  It got all bubbly and gooey and I then poured it all over previously prepared quinoa.  This was quick and delicious.  It’s great to have some grains cooked up and waiting in the fridge rather than me waiting for them!

Monday could have been a slip but I didn’t let it be.  Ralph and I took his son Bill out to breakfast for his birthday.  I chose wisely.

One of my favorite things…a spinach and Feta cheese omelette with sliced tomatoes.  Very good.  This was my first omelette at this diner and I was pleased.

Breakfast on Tuesday was fat-free vanilla yogurt topped with Fiber One and fresh strawberries.  Delicious.  Love my little stoneware bowl which I got from the “free” box at the church rummage sale!

Lunch was an old favorite…

A quick salad of Romaine, carrot sticks and 1 cup of reduced fat cottage cheese topped with Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime.  Very tasty and filling.

So what does any of this do with my title-Walking The Walk??

After almost 2 months absence due to traveling, I pulled on my sneakers and got out the door for a walk this morning!  I didn’t do the full route I had been doing prior to leaving, but I did about 3/4 of it and it made me very happy.  I feel better for having done it and happy for being back in my routine again.

So that’s What I Ate Wednesday for me this week.  Be sure to make your way over to Peas & Crayons when you’re finished here to see what everybody’s got in the feed bag this week and leave some comments…We ALL love to hear from you!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Second Breakfast Day!

Without even knowing it…I fell into a tradition.  Apparently Friday was Second Breakfast Day.  That of course is a Hobbit tradition.  I feel sorry for any of you who are not familiar with The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings.  I am not a mad, crazy fan like some people I know (who will remain nameless so that I’m not drummed out of the family) but because of my love of food, I certainly can be comfortable with the idea of Second Breakfast!

In my efforts to get myself back on track with my eating, I actually put together some overnight oats last night.  My usual combo- 1/2 cup oats, 1/3 cup Fat Free vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup almond milk, frozen blueberries and cinnamon.

After a minute and 30 seconds in the microwave (I’m really not a fan of them cold, although I will eat them that way if I have to) I added fresh strawberries.  I really need to get myself organized to make this more often.  I just have to plan the night before.  I enjoy them so much.  Need to come up with some variations, too.

I had finished my oats and was doing some chores when Ralph said, “I want to go out to lunch, where would you like to go?”  It was 11am!  Now, I always have to consider the fact that I’m weighing in on Saturday.  I decided I could go to the diner, have breakfast and not do too much damage.

And without knowing it…I was celebrating Second Breakfast Day!  I had a spinach and American cheese omelette with sliced tomatoes and dry rye toast.  It really was very tasty.  I often will have an omelette at a diner for lunch or dinner.  It’s easier to calculate the Points for this than it is for some other menu choices.  Besides…I really like omelettes!  And it was actually a lunch special today so I got a side salad to bring home and Ralph got my dessert…vanilla cake.  All were happy!

I am so glad to be back in my salad routine again.  I know I’ve been whining about veggies and salad…but they make me happy.  Started by making something I haven’t made in a while.

A big pot of quinoa cooked up in veggie broth…Yum.  I love adding this to a salad, but I’ve fallen out of the habit of making it.  Like getting that extra protein punch~

Oh, was I happy with this!  Home made dressing-olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey and Dijon mustard.  The salad was Romaine, shaved carrots, green and red bell pepper, plum tomatoes, black beans, quinoa and shredded cheddar.  It was SO good!!  It was filling and helped me stay on track.  Another thing that I did to help stay on track-while I was getting the carrots ready for the salad, I peeled and cut some up for snacking later.  Also need to do that more often.

Funny how we fall in and out of the good habits we’ve developed.  I plan on staying On Track and hang on to those good habits.  Hoping for a good result at Weight Watchers today.  Happy Second Breakfast Day!

Happy Saturday!

Staying The Course

Onward with the good choices!  I feel like I’ve been really on track this week.  I’ve used almost all of my Weekly extra points but at least I’m counting and I have an idea what the outcome will be.  Actually, I will be Very upset when I get to Weight Watchers this morning if I do NOT have a loss.  I’ve worked very hard.  But I feel in control and that’s what counts.

I mentioned that I was going to show you a special treat that I used to make for my lunches when I was working.  Well, I guess it’s not a “treat”…it’s a salad, but that’s always a treat to me!

It started like this…

One cup of black beans freshly out of the crock pot.  1 cup of frozen corn, defrosted.  However much I felt like of salsa.  I used a store brand and probably about a cup and a half, but it’s your choice.  I added some garlic powder, some ground black pepper and a bunch of Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime.  I also like it with green Tabasco sauce, but I was out so I improvised.  Mix it all together.

Chopped up a big bowl of Romaine lettuce, topped it with the mixture, then some shredded cheese.  This is so simple and so good.  It really is a good lunch to go.  I would cut up the lettuce in a container with the cheese on top.  In a separate container, I would put the bean/corn/salsa mix, then mix them together when it was time to eat.  It was such a tasty treat when other people were paying way too much for inferior cafeteria food.  I got so many comments over the years from people saying how good it looked.  It does and it is!

Friday’s breakfast was something I haven’t done in a while…a breakfast parfait!

I layered Fiber One, sliced banana, sliced strawberries and fat-free vanilla yogurt.  Loaded it all in an old glass measuring cup that was my Grandmother’s.  I have two of them and they’re perfect for this type of thing, kind of cool too.  So tasty and such a good start to the day!

Do you think I liked it?!?!  Yup…

Friday’s lunch was the end of the line for the egg salad I made this week.

Just chopped up some Romaine and loaded on the salad topped with some ground black pepper and chopped up sweet pickles.  This was so good. I like the combo and I think I need to make egg salad again Next week.  Oh, wait…I’m going away, guess I better come up with another game plan!

Keep your fingers crossed for me at Weight Watchers today.  I’m hoping for the best.  Then I get to go to Ele’s church rummage sale.  That’s always great fun…maybe I’ll find some Treasures!!

Happy Saturday!!

Plan Ahead And See What Happens…

I am doing my best to get back on track and stay there.  I feel as if I’m moving forward in a really positive way.  I had hoped to walk in the morning, but by the time the sky cleared I walked outside and thought I would fall over from the heat and humidity.  I’m not going to belabor the topic but…It wouldn’t feel like this in New Mexico!!  Just sayin’…

Started with a good breakfast…overnight oats which I actually remembered to prepare last night!

Have I ever missed these!!  Topped with last summers frozen blueberries which sadly will be gone soon.  I’ll have to buy frozen from the grocery store then. 😦

Lunch was a quick egg salad sandwich on a toasted Aldi sandwich thin…

Why quick?  Because the egg salad was already made!  Love it when I do things in advance…why don’t I do it more often?!  Pickled jalapeno…Yum…

Made a run to the produce market to pick up some salad-y things.  I made a quick stop at Family Dollar.  I didn’t know they sold black beans!  I was so excited…

I’ve been thinking about crock pot beans which I missed while we were away.  So excited to Not have to make another stop to get them.  They are soaking away and will be crocked in the morning!  Can’t wait!

One bad thing (or maybe it’s a good thing) about stopping at Family Dollar…They have their Fall decorative things out.  I had actually seen these when we were in New Mexico…

Fall mugs, napkin holder and a new set of dish towels~  I was so excited when I saw these mugs in NM!  Hard to tell from the photo but they are Big!  I think they’re probably about 12 ounces.  I have a set of these from last year in a smaller mug size but when I saw the big ones, I just fell in love.  Love a nice big mug of tea or coffee.  Only bought two of these, one for me and one for Ralph.  Can you guess which is for who?  Of course the purple is for me!  Only $2.oo each for the mugs and napkin holder, the dish towels were $3.50 for 2.  Now I’m ready for Fall to officially start!

My major project was going through mail that came in while we were away and shredding and shredding.  I do feel more orderly after accomplishing that.  I’ve got to plan out what I’m going to do tomorrow.  I want to do something that relates to sorting and packing Every Day!  Think I’ll do it?  I sure hope so!

Happy Thursday!!  Complete A Project!

Are You In a Daze? I’m In A Daze…

For some reason, the somewhat dazed feeling I was having in New Mexico has followed me back to New Jersey.  Here I can blame it on the humidity.  I really think it does something to me and not in a good way!  The air is heavy and I have a hard time breathing.  I need that clear mountain air again! 😉

Saturday morning I got to go to my Weight Watchers meeting and see all of my WW buddies who I’ve missed.  Unfortunately because of the holiday weekend some of them weren’t there, but it was such fun to get back into the routine and feel like I know what I’m doing.  Weight Watchers will always feel like home to me.

After WW, I made a quick stop at Goodwill.  Now I had stopped there on Friday and picked up two books, Saturday I got five more.  Now don’t judge me, three of them were for sister Ele, only two for me.  I also got a wonderful huge glass measuring cup/mixing bowl.  It’s still in the car so no photo, but it was only $3.00 and I know it would be a lot more in a store.  Very good deal!

Our friend Jim from Washington is visiting for the weekend and we went on a quick adventure.  No photos, but we went to a place called Gary’s Gem Garden where those of us who love rocks and stones can ooh and aah over them.  Ele uses various stones in her Reiki practice and needed to get some.  We’ve loved this place for years.

Of course, somehow we ended up at Barnes & Noble.  I perused the Nooks again.  The price has been reduced and I’m really being tempted now.  I have to add them up again, but I think I almost have enough gift cards for the Nook tablet which is similar to an iPad.  We’ll see. Even if I don’t have enough yet, there’s a certain birthday coming up in October and I can ask for gift cards…hmmm…

Didn’t buy anything, but had a hibiscus Refresher.  Very tasty but the little raspberry pips got caught in my teeth. Guess I didn’t really need to tell you that, did I?

Dinner was planned at Ele’s house.  I, of course made the obligatory Big Salad and toted it along.  Dinner was simple and delicious…

Spaghetti and salad…Yum!  The meat eaters had sausage.  I should have searched my freezer, I probably have a veggie sausage in there somewhere!

Ele made the most delicious banana bars from “funky” bananas a co-worker had given her.  I must confess that this was my second piece.  My reasoning?  I forgot to take a picture of the first piece and I NEEDED a picture right?  Right?!?!  I rest my case.

For those of you who asked about my hair cut, here’s a photo of me and my lovely sister.

Pretty much the same hair I always have these days.  It’s easy, I don’t have to tax my brain thinking about it.  There are days I wish I still had long hair.  I even have dreams where I still have long hair.  When I wake up, I’m always disappointed.  Maybe I’ll grow it.  If I could get it to do all kinds of spiky things while it’s short, I’d like it better.  Haven’t found a way to make that happen.  I like my glasses in this photo, though.  I’m easily distracted today, don’t you think?  Ooh, Shiny….

We’re off to breakfast in a little while to a new diner we’ve never tried.  Should be interesting.

Happy Sunday!

50 Years And More To Come!

Wednesday afternoon we had a great time at a small Anniversary lunch for Ralph’s sister Kathy and her husband John.  They’re celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  That’s 5-0!!  Amazing!  They’re both great people and you may remember them from John’s birthday party a few weeks ago.

Our usual collection of characters from Ralph’s side of the family were present.

Kathy and John the Couple of the Day!  They were much happier than they look in this photo, my camera is slow in low light and they were too excited to sit still!

Cousins Kathie and Lynne!

Brother in law George, Ralph, sister Maddie and sister Kathy!

Me and Ralph!  Yes, he was waiting for an important call! 😉

Ralph’s artwork.  Kathy and John’s last name is Warren, hence “Warren-ty.”

Party favors made by my niece, Penny!

The artwork and the cake!

Of course there was real food too!  This is the delicious Greek Salad I always have here.  Very filling, but it’s so big, I’m always the last one eating!  I don’t care, I order it every time.  So Good!

My tiny piece of cake…

Very tasty and I felt completely in control!

I love when we have the chance to get together with Ralph’s family.  They’re such a great group and we always have a good time.  We probably won’t be seeing any of them before we head out to New Mexico so we left with lots of hugs and well wishes.  It was a great day!

Happy Thursday!  Happy 50th Anniversary, Kathy and John!  WoW!!