Tag Archives: vegetarian

WIAW~ October 21, 2015

It’s that Happy time of week when we get together over at Peas & Crayons and talk about what we’ve been eating all week.  It’s What I Ate Wednesday!  When you’re finished here, be sure to stop over there to see what everyone’s been munching on all week long!

What I Ate Wednesday Button

I’m always up for a breakfast at the diner.  My best friend Gail and I took our other best friend Alice and Gail’s brother, Ray to the airport for a flight to Florida.  No problem except that we had to leave at 4:30 am!!  Again, no problem, but we wanted to go to breakfast and contrary to what we thought, all of the local diners are Not open at 5 am! We went to one that had recently reopened after renovations.  It looked nice but this was 5 am.  There were only 2 other people in the diner and we had to wait almost 25 minutes for our food.  It wasn’t that great when we finally got it.

Diner breakfast

But it was better than some early diner breakfasts I’ve had.  We headed to the gym afterwards to work it off.

I got a better breakfast at home on another day.  I like trying unique things with omelettes.

Omelette with black beans

Not the prettiest photo but very tasty.  Egg beaters and egg whites seasoned with Mrs. Dash and chipotle powder.  Inside chopped broccoli, 2% cheese and a quarter cup of black beans.  Topped with Cholula hot sauce, my new favorite.  The small addition of the quarter cup of black beans makes this extremely filling.  I add them in whenever I have the home-made beans in the fridge.

Sometimes I’ll take a little shortcut.  Ralph brought home a salad from a local convenience store labeled “super food” salad.  It was made with kale, slivered almonds and chopped apples.

Home Salad

I added some chopped spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, black beans, 2 % cheese and light balsamic vinaigrette.  It was delicious!  It’s nice to take a little help when you can.  I love doing that with store-bought salads.  I can always find a way to make them more substantial or add some protein.

One more salad.  Ralph and I went to one of our favorite restaurants on Monday afternoon.  In line with my continued efforts to get back on and stay on track with my food choices, I had already decided what I would have before we got there.  When the server brought the menu, I left it on the table and didn’t even look.  I didn’t want to be tempted to stray from my plan.

Greek Salad

This restaurant has the best Greek Salad I’ve ever tried.  It looked better but I started to poke around at it.  I forgot that I’m blogging again and needed a nice photo!  Regardless, I think it’s beautiful and I know it was delicious.  I also asked for only one roll with it, that way I wouldn’t be tempted by an entire basket.  I keep trying!

That’s What I Ate Wednesday for me this week.  I need to get back to doing more cooking and coming up with some unique things.  We’ll see how I do.  Whatever I come up with, you can be sure I’ll be back here next Wednesday.  Be sure to stop over at Peas & Crayons to check out the other linkers!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!


WIAW~Surviving Thanksgiving

Can’t believe it’s Wednesday already and time for What I Ate Wednesday, the fun and drool worthy link up hostessed by Jenn at Peas and Crayons.  But it is and here I am again going on and on about what I ate.  I love to see what everyone has been eating, especially after a Holiday.  Here’s my contribution!

What I Ate Wednesday: FALL into Good Habits

Of course it was Thanksgiving.  So many people dread this Holiday, it seems.  Probably because more than any other Holiday, it revolves around food.  Other members at my Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday were so worried about how to approach it.  That’s actually always seems to be the topic at WW on the week before Thanksgiving: How To Cope With Thanksgiving.

Believe me, I’ve been through many Thanksgivings where I was over the top, over indulged and over stuffed.  I know it’s an issue for a lot of people.  I felt in control and on track this year and I was proud of myself.

I started with a regular breakfast of an egg substitute omelette which always keeps me full for a while.  Dinner was planned for 1 pm so I knew I’d be Ok until then.

My sister Ele and I always work on the dinner together and we had a really good time.  One of my jobs is making the succotash.  It’s not something that everyone likes, but almost everyone in our group likes it.  Personally, I LOVE it!


I joked that this was mine and I didn’t know what anyone else would be eating. I probably could have eaten the entire thing if given the opportunity but I didn’t!

There were pies, yes, but I was restrained with them.

Thanksgiving Pies


I had a piece of the apple, home-made by our friend, Jim and just a tiny sliver of the coconut custard.  Both were yummy.  There was also a pumpkin but I passed on that…had to pass on Something!

The main attraction…

Thanksgiving Dinner


Dinner:  mashed potatoes with vegetarian gravy, green beans, Ele’s home-made cole slaw (From Grandmom’s recipe) and of course, Succotash!!  At the top is a piece of the cranberry orange jello mold I make every year.  Also a favorite.  It was all delicious and I have to confess that I did have seconds on mashed potatoes, second time around topped with Succotash!  I’m starting to think I should title this post “WIAW~Succotash!”

It was a great day and we had a lot of fun as we always do.  That’s my Thanksgiving, now let’s go see what everyone else had on their favorites list.  Be sure to check out Peas and Crayons to see what’s going on!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

WIAW~Who Knows Where or When

Hello!  Yes, I am still alive, still recovering from my bilateral hip replacement but pretty much doing fabulously!  I still have probably two weeks of physical therapy left and (being the Good Patient that I am!) doing my exercises daily and using my cane for another week.  I’m trying hard to get out and get some walking in every day because my physical therapist tells me that’s important.  The days that I am able to get extra walking in, I do feel better.  Eventually, I will write a post All About the Adventure that was my surgery.  In the meantime, I move along trying to feel like my old self.

Part of that is getting back to blogging.  I have missed it So Much!!  I need to get a schedule set up for myself again and stick with it.  What better way of getting back on schedule than joining in for What I Ate Wednesday hostessed by the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons?  So here goes!

What I Ate Wednesday: FALL into Good Habits

My food offerings are somewhat random as you can probably tell from my title.  Just a few tasty things, some of which I’ve saved for a few weeks, always intending to do a post!

Pumpkin pancakes


Ralph and I went out to breakfast on Tuesday morning.  Right before going into the diner, I swore to myself that I would make a good choice, allowing myself to get back on track with my food.  So of course, I ordered pumpkin pancakes!  I did ask for the sugar-free syrup…Do I get points for that?!?

Pepper and egg sandwich


One of my all time favorites…pepper and egg sandwich with American cheese from our local pizzeria.  I love this and it never fails to satisfy.  Also, it always reminds me of my Mom.  Good enough for me!

Ralph and I went to a wonderful wedding for the son of close family friends.  I was very happy when along with the usual meat and fish choices, the invitation offered a stuffed mushroom.  Having no idea what that might be, I made that choice.  Was I ever pleasantly surprised.

Stuffed mushroom


The base was rice, then the Portobello,  It was then stuffed with what I think was a tasty puree of white beans and wonderful herbs and spices.  Topped with yellow squash although several people have said it looks like potato chips.  No chips but it was Delicious and very filling.  I loved it!

Of course, it wouldn’t be BCDC without at least one salad.

Birthday Greek salad


We have recently started going to a local Italian restaurant that we hadn’t gone to before.  This is their Greek salad.  I love the combination of the greens, olives, tomatoes and feta.  It’s a much more delicate Greek salad than some of the ones I get around here.  It is just delicious.  This restaurant has other good choices too, but I think this might be my favorite.

Just typing up this post is getting me back into the feel of blogging.  It’s not that I haven’t wanted to, I just haven’t had the enthusiasm for it.  I feel that coming back.  Maybe it’s the Fall.  I always want to start something in the Fall.  In this case, I’m re-starting something.  The whole idea makes me happy!

Be sure to stop over at Peas and Crayons to check out all of the other wonderful food and ideas that everyone is sharing.  I know I will!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

WIAW-A Vegetarian Goes To The Hospital

I am so excited to be back and joining in for What I Ate Wednesday for the first time in a LONG time.  Hope I can remember how this works! Be sure to check out all of the food fun cooked up by Jenn at Peas And Crayons.  Hope I can remember how to link-up!

Peas and Crayons

I suppose it should have been the least of my worries, but I was very concerned about what I would get to eat when I was in the hospital.  As a vegetarian, that was a valid concern.  I envisioned eggs for three meals a day.  That actually would have been fine with me.  I know that the grilled cheese sandwich they gave me for dinner the day of surgery was like a gourmet meal…I was so hungry.  That set the tone for me and when I saw the list of things available for me to choose from, I was impressed and excited.

There were many choices and I enjoyed them but sadly, due to my body’s dislike for pain medication, the first two days were kind of a blur.  I did eventually remember that this would make a good WIAW post and took two pictures.

Vegan meatloaf


This was vegan meatloaf with carrots and sautéed veggies.  It was really very tasty.  I would have enjoyed it more if I had remembered to request some ketchup, but it was good.

Breakfasts were usually a cheese omelette and yogurt which was good every time.

Sweet potato shepherd's pie


A little blurry, but as I’ve said, I was a little blurry for the first few days. This was Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie.  It was a vegan meatloaf base with sweet potatoes on top.  Served with couscous and sautéed veggies.  I loved it!

There were many other choices which sounded good, but I went with the ones that sounded a little more out of the ordinary.  I guess that I should mention that the hospital was Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.  It was a wonderful place and they took exceptional care of me.  As I said, not the least of which was offering me things that I could eat!

That’s it for me.  I’ll be short for my first WIAW back in action.  Be sure to check out all the fun over at Jenn’s blog, Peas and Crayons.  I’m so happy to be back!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!


WIAW~Back Home and Blogging

Good Morning!  Here I am, keeping my promise to blog on a regular basis.  I told you I had NOT deserted you and I meant it. Of course, I had to come back for the biggest, most fun party of the week-What I Ate Wednesday, hostessed by the lovely Jenn at Peas & Crayons. I’ve missed participating and I’ve missed reading all the crazy wonderful posts from all of the other party-goers.  So here I am to share and give you all the opportunity to drool.

What I Ate Wednesday

There are a lot of veggies in this post, well…there  are Always a lot of veggies in my posts so nothing new there.  These are all foods that I ate while on my two-week visit to Clearwater, Florida.  I had a great time and ate a lot.  Fortunately, all of it was amazingly healthy so I don’t think I’ll have any worries when I get back to my Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday.  Here we go! My friend Gail found an incredible restaurant called the Green Market Cafe. This is a great find for vegetarians and great choices for non-veggies too.  I ate there five times and tried five different things.  So there is definitely flexibility for vegetarians.

Mushoom Salad at Green Market Cafe

This was the Baby Bella salad.  Huge amount of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and steamed mushrooms, topped with gorgonzola  cheese and house dressing.  Very filling and tasty.  I’ve never seen such huge salads as they have here.

Waldorf Salad

This is their Waldorf Salad. Again, lots of greens, apples, walnuts, dried cranberries, goat cheese and poppy-seed dressing.  Again, amazingly filling and delicious.

We had to experience Hamburger Mary’s and if you’re ever in Clearwater, you have to give it a dry.  A drag show and a burger.  What could be better.  This is the Huge black bean burger that I had.

Black bean burger at Hamburger Mary's

It came with a large side salad.  I had to eat half of this before I took the picture so that you could see it.  Excellent!

We had quite a wonderful experience at the Buddhist Temple in Tampa.  Every Sunday they have a market with all kinds of incredible foods.  Things we had never seen before or even ever heard of.  I went with something I’ve heard of and am learning to love.

Pad Thai at the Buddhist Center

Pad Thai.  It was delicious.  It was a huge portion and I ate every bit!  My other favorite thing there was sweet bean pie.  Like a little apple turnover but with bean paste inside that was so good.  Didn’t get a photo…I ate it too fast!

I’m home now and starting on trying to eat more routine things.  If I had remembered to get cabbage yesterday, I would have been making my Weight Watchers veggie soup today.  I’ll have to go out and get some.  I need to get back on track.

That’s What I Ate Wednesday for me for today.  Be sure to head over to Peas & Crayons when you’re finished here to join all the fun!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Take a Seat to Start The Day

Sunday morning our plan was to try something new!  Earlier this year, a new diner opened in Woodbury, it’s called the County Seat Diner.  It’s not a free-standing diner like we’re used to and because of parking limitations in Woodbury, we just never got around to going.  My sister Ele has been there on a number of occasions and highly recommended it.  We decided Sunday was the day to try it.

We were up and out early and were able to park in the public parking area that’s about three blocks away which was not a big imposition.  No traffic made crossing streets easy.

We could tell that it was a different type of atmosphere as soon as we walked in.  It was bright and everything looked new and welcoming.  The staff was welcoming as well.  The young lady who greeted us and seated us turned out to be our server as well.  Her name was Nicki and I swear she treated us as though she had a stake in the business.  She was so friendly and ready to offer anything we needed as well as any information we wanted regarding menu questions.

The County Seat’s menu is not as extensive as some other diner menus I’ve seen, but I’m sure it will be a work in progress as with most diners.  Still, lots of choices and Nicki kindly gave me a take out menu to take with me which is their full menu.

The County Seat occupies a location with a very long tradition as a restaurant in this area.  I’m not sure if it was the original business, but for years it housed the Homestead Restaurant.  That’s what it was when I was growing up and it was a sad day when the Homestead closed.  Other restaurants have occupied the space since the closing of the Homestead, but none have stayed for very long.  I have the feeling that the County Seat has a good chance of carrying on the Homestead’s long tradition.

I had been warned by Ele and Jim that the portions were enormous.  Truth in advertising…

Yikes!! This is the Mediterranean Omelette.  The County Seat gives you four eggs in an omelette rather than the three eggs we’re used to seeing.  This included spinach, tomato, mushrooms, onions and feta cheese.  I asked for the sliced tomatoes instead of hash browns, because I saw that they had biscuits and I wanted to try one.  I’m not sure if they were just being nice, but they gave me two! 

The omelette was delicious!  I only finished about half because it could be reheated and the biscuits would not be as good if they were reheated.  The biscuits were some of the best I’ve ever had.  We don’t often see biscuits offered around here so this was a treat for me.  Fresh and hot and so good with jelly.  Oh, yes…the Coffee was really good too!

Everyone was so friendly.  I tried to take a photo of Jim and Ralph and we got photo-bombed by another waiter named Chuck!

Ok…Take 2 with our waitress, Nicki!

The prices were quite reasonable especially when you consider the size of their servings.  There are a few vegetarian friendly menu items other than breakfast and they do offer a veggie burger.  I think I’ll try to encourage them to offer more veggie friendly dishes.  Because I do think we’ll be going back.  Everyone made us feel very much at home and the food and people were Great!  Try the County Seat Diner…I think you’ll like it!

Now I get to go eat the second half of my omelette! 

Happy Monday!  Happy Labor Day!!

County Seat Diner on Urbanspoon

Z is for Zombie

I’ll bet if you read all of the Blogging A to Z Challenge posts today, you would find a lot of very interesting creative Z words.  But I also bet you’ll find a lot of Zombies.

Zombies seem to have become very popular over the last few years.  I’m not sure I’m as fascinated with them as some people I know, like my friend Stephanie over at Clay Baboons.  Now This Girl Knows Her Zombies!

But a few months back, I refered to myself as a Zombie Vegetarian.  My explanation for this was that there are times when I eat mindlessly within my chosen food criteria.  I eat the same thing all the time.  I’m Boring.  It’s as if someone, presumably another Zombie, has eaten my brain and I can’t think of anything new and different to try.  I stick with what I know.

Those of you who are familiar with my wonderful husband Ralph, he only had to hear that remark and he went to work.  This is what he came up with.

Yes, that’s me…terrorizing innocent vegetables. It might amuse you to hear Ralph’s version of the day I was slicing carrots with my food processor to make soup.  He made a Silence of the Lambs reference.  He said he had awakened to the screaming of the spring yams.  Well I guess you had to be there, it was pretty funny at the time.

Just so you know, I AM trying to be more creative with my veggie selections, moving slowly into new and different foods and recipes.

This is my twist on the Zombie theme that I’m sure is slowly dragging its feet across most of the Blogging A to Z community today.  As always, Ralph is kind to me in his drawings and I look a lot better than most Zombies.  But I’m still stalking those little veggies!

The Blogging A to Z Challenge has been a huge learning experience for me.  The organizers have requested that we post on May 7th about our experience with the Challenge.  I just found that out today, again thanks to Stephanie.  As Gram used to say…Always a Day Late and A Dollar Short!  Regardless…I made it… A to Z!!!

Tomorrow it will be business as usual here at BCDC.  Guess I have to come up with my own topics now.  Do I remember how??  Well, it’s May Day…That should give me something to work with.

Happy Monday!!

V is for Vegetarian and WIAW

The letter for the day with the Blogging A to Z Challenge is V.  It’s also What I Ate Wednesday hostessed by the lovely Jenn over at Peas & Crayons, and for the month of April we’re all adding veggies to our meals.  Be sure to travel over to the B/A-Z website to view some other bloggers and to P&C to drool over some good food.  Here…you’ll get the combo platter! Time for a veggie badge!

Peas and Crayons

Those of you who read BCDC regularly know that I am a vegetarian and have been for about 22 years.  I can’t remember exactly when it happened but that’s a decent approximation.  I did it after joining Weight Watchers 25 years ago, but that’s a story for another letter.

I’m not the kind of person to beat other people over the head about it.  I did it for health reasons and I think that overall, I’ve been proven right in that aspect.  I’m pretty healthy and take no medications.  As my friend from college, Valerie likes to say, I’m not an annoying vegetarian.  Although I’m happy to share my knowledge with you, I won’t try to reform you.

One of the tricky things about being vegetarian though, is that it’s not always easy to get food prepared the way I want it in certain restaurants.  This past weekend I had a very good experience.

We were heading out to celebrate our friend Judy’s birthday.  Her choice was Don Pablo’s. I hadn’t been there for a long time and didn’t really remember what their choices were like.  Mexican food is sometimes easy for me but sometimes not.  This worked out well.

We started with tasty cheese quesadilla for appetizer.  Can’t go wrong there!

Lots of chips for the others but of course, No Chips For Me!

They offered fajitas which is usually a good choice but I noticed they also had a fajita salad.  The regular fajitas had Portobello mushroom as an option but the salad did not.  I asked our server if I could combine it and she was happy to do that for me.  I was SO pleased with what they served me…

So many mushrooms!  Yum!!

All mixed together with the honey lime dressing…I’ve got to try to re-create this dressing…So Good!  It was a wonderful dinner and I couldn’t have been more happy with Don Pablo’s!  We were seated quickly, our server was very friendly and helpful and I got what I wanted!  Who can ask for more than that!

It was cold and rainy outside, but inside Don Pablo’s, we had a great time!

Consider making more vegetarian choices when you go out to eat and when you prepare your foods at home.  I don’t think anyone would have been disappointed with this dinner and it’s just good for you.  But don’t worry, I won’t be too annoying about it!

Remember to head over to the Blogging A to Z Challenge  and to Peas & Crayons to see what’s going on for WIAW.  Read some, comment some and have a Very Veggie Day!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!!

Don Pablo's Mexican Kitchen on Urbanspoon

Low Key Eleven

As I mentioned, Saturday Ralph and I were celebrating our 11th anniversary.  We decided that we’d pretty much celebrated it for all of September, so we had no big plans.

I started the day by facing the music at Weight Watchers.  I was expecting a gain and decided to really bite the bullet by switching to jeans for weigh in.  I have to do it sometime and figured that a day when I was expecting a gain anyway was a good time.  For my last weigh in, which had been September 3 (Yikes!) I had worn capri pants.

As expected, I gained but only 2 and three quarter pounds!  That included the jeans which probably added at least a pound!  I was very happy!  🙂  Now I’ve got to get myself back on track to get rid of that.  Today I’m working on a plan.  I’ll share it tomorrow.

After WW, I headed to the Rummage Sale at my sister Ele’s church.  I had missed the last one because we were away.  Funny thing was, when I got there, everyone was down because they had no customers up to that point.  Well, fortunately, things picked up from there.  We ended up with the best sale yet!  I was so excited!  The church needs the money and I’m happy I can help.  Of course, I helped by making some purchases  😉 which I will also share tomorrow.

Ele had decided she wanted to take Ralph and Me out for our anniversary.  Ralph decided he would love for us all to go out, he wasn’t going to let Ele pay for it.  We all agreed on Sakana Oriental, one of our favorites.

It turned into a late lunch/early dinner kind of thing but it was delicious as usual.  I started with the hot and sour soup which is vegetarian here and it was wonderful, except I was so hungry I forgot to take a photo!  😦

Ralph ordered appetizers…

Crab puffs for Ralph and Ele and Chinese pizza for all of us to share.

I LOVE Chinese pizza and the ginger sauce is so good. 

For my entrée, I got the tofu family style with brown rice.

There was actually more than this photo shows…I really was hungry and started eating before the photo.  I had to “fluff” it up for the photo.  😉  I have at times ordered the Chinese pizza with my entrée and asked for no rice.  It’s very good with the veggies and tofu over it.  Yum.

Since we were celebrating, we decided we needed dessert.

Ele and I had the ginger ice cream and Ralph had vanilla.  The ginger ice cream is just so delicious.  I sometimes consider going there just for ice cream.  Wonder what they’d say to me if I did? 

Now it’s Sunday and I’m up and moving more or less.  The cold we picked up on the way home seems to be going away.   I’m having coffee in one of my few treats to myself from the trip…

A wonderful new mug with a Zia on it!  The Zia is the state symbol of New Mexico.  Strangely, it’s not all that easy to find things with the Zia on it.  This looks black but is actually dark blue.  Makes me feel good to drink my coffee from it. 

So, off to face the day.  I have to get my plan together for getting back on track with my food.  A trip to the grocery store and the produce place are probably in order since there’s still basically nothing in the house except peanut butter and jelly and coffee!!  Here I go!

Happy Sunday!!

Road Warriors-WIAW Style

How lucky am I to be back in New Jersey, just in time to be part of What I Ate Wednesday presented by our buddy Jenn at Peas & Crayons!?!  So here goes…

Peas and Crayons

Our trip back was long and interesting and long and scenic and long.  I’ll talk more about the trip itself over the next few days, but for WIAW…it’s all about the food.  Let’s just say we left El Paso on Sunday at 4pm.  We arrived in New Jersey at 2:52am Wednesday morning.  I think that’s enough to say at the moment.   The fact that my eyes are open and my fingers  moving is fairly amazing, but here I am!

We left Silver City on Saturday to travel to Anthony, Tx. near El Paso to visit our friends.  We got a bit turned around regarding which exit, where the street was and we had forgotten to bring the address with us!!  Turns out, since everything is big in Texas, even small towns have 3 exits off the interstate.  We of course took the wrong one.

It was actually our good fortune.  We were hungry and decided to stop for lunch so that we could clear our heads, call our friends and get proper directions.  We stopped at The Great American Land & Cattle Company.  This has got to be the most vegetarian-friendly steakhouse I’ve ever visited. 

My choices…

I had the half Caesar salad with dressing on the side and

Tortilla soup-a tomato and green chile soup with cheese, tortilla strips and avocado on the side.  It was quite spicy, but really good!  Ralph got cole slaw and beans with his burger.  He made me taste the cole slaw which was sweet and tangy at the same time.  Turns out they put pineapple in it!  Also, our server told us that the beans had no meat in them.  Since they were too spicy for Ralph I ate most of them and they were delicious!  Also spicy.  Wish I had known there was no meat in the beans to start…I would have added them to my soup.  An overall good experience!

We got to our friend’s house and spent a pleasant evening.  Sunday morning we got up and headed to Old Mesilla, a wonderful town in New Mexico!  Gee, didn’t I just LEAVE New Mexico!  Anyway, it’s lovely and I’ll tell more about that visit later.  On the way back to Texas, we stopped at Stahmann’s Farms.  Apparently, Texas is big pecan country, I didn’t know that, did you??  Big business, not big pecans…they’re just regular size…

Well, at their country store, they have wonderful ice cream.  My choice of course was…butter pecan!

I started gobbling it before I thought to take the picture.  It was delicious!

We left Texas at 4pm and drove all night except for about a 1 hour nap at a gas and go place.  Actually that helped a lot.  We continued on until we got to Arkansas and found the town of Brinkley.  We were both so tired and hungry, all we could think of was something to eat and some place to sleep.  We found a Pizza Hut, somewhere I hadn’t been in a long time and we each had a personal pan pizza.

Mine had mushrooms, green peppers and black olives.  Pay no attention to the missing bites…I was really hungry and this was quite good.

We crashed at our motel, forget which it was…We headed out by 7am on Monday and didn’t stop till we passed downtown Memphis.  We wanted to avoid the rush hour traffic.

We stopped at a Bob Evans for breakfast.  I had one of the stuffed omelettes with spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, onions and cheese. 

Neither of our omelettes were really what you’d call hot which disappointed us.  They were ok, but we really only go for the biscuits anyway!! 😉

It was a LONG day and there may have been a few indiscretions including a Blizzard and a turnover but we won’t mention those just now.

There was also many beautiful sights!  We took a route we hadn’t taken before and it was quite interesting…but today is Wednesday and it’s all about the food.  Over the next few days, I’ll share some of scenery and adventures from the road.

Time to get back to reality…We have to unpack the car and return it to the rental company.  Do laundry, grocery shop and try to make myself not ashamed to show up at Weight Watchers on Saturday!!

Sorry there was a lapse on posting, but it just didn’t work out for this side of the road trip.  More road details to come.

Beautiful reflected sunset from Monday night.  I actually forget where we were!!  Probably Tennesee or Virginia.

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!  Time to get back on track!!