Low Key Eleven

As I mentioned, Saturday Ralph and I were celebrating our 11th anniversary.  We decided that we’d pretty much celebrated it for all of September, so we had no big plans.

I started the day by facing the music at Weight Watchers.  I was expecting a gain and decided to really bite the bullet by switching to jeans for weigh in.  I have to do it sometime and figured that a day when I was expecting a gain anyway was a good time.  For my last weigh in, which had been September 3 (Yikes!) I had worn capri pants.

As expected, I gained but only 2 and three quarter pounds!  That included the jeans which probably added at least a pound!  I was very happy!  🙂  Now I’ve got to get myself back on track to get rid of that.  Today I’m working on a plan.  I’ll share it tomorrow.

After WW, I headed to the Rummage Sale at my sister Ele’s church.  I had missed the last one because we were away.  Funny thing was, when I got there, everyone was down because they had no customers up to that point.  Well, fortunately, things picked up from there.  We ended up with the best sale yet!  I was so excited!  The church needs the money and I’m happy I can help.  Of course, I helped by making some purchases  😉 which I will also share tomorrow.

Ele had decided she wanted to take Ralph and Me out for our anniversary.  Ralph decided he would love for us all to go out, he wasn’t going to let Ele pay for it.  We all agreed on Sakana Oriental, one of our favorites.

It turned into a late lunch/early dinner kind of thing but it was delicious as usual.  I started with the hot and sour soup which is vegetarian here and it was wonderful, except I was so hungry I forgot to take a photo!  😦

Ralph ordered appetizers…

Crab puffs for Ralph and Ele and Chinese pizza for all of us to share.

I LOVE Chinese pizza and the ginger sauce is so good. 

For my entrée, I got the tofu family style with brown rice.

There was actually more than this photo shows…I really was hungry and started eating before the photo.  I had to “fluff” it up for the photo.  😉  I have at times ordered the Chinese pizza with my entrée and asked for no rice.  It’s very good with the veggies and tofu over it.  Yum.

Since we were celebrating, we decided we needed dessert.

Ele and I had the ginger ice cream and Ralph had vanilla.  The ginger ice cream is just so delicious.  I sometimes consider going there just for ice cream.  Wonder what they’d say to me if I did? 

Now it’s Sunday and I’m up and moving more or less.  The cold we picked up on the way home seems to be going away.   I’m having coffee in one of my few treats to myself from the trip…

A wonderful new mug with a Zia on it!  The Zia is the state symbol of New Mexico.  Strangely, it’s not all that easy to find things with the Zia on it.  This looks black but is actually dark blue.  Makes me feel good to drink my coffee from it. 

So, off to face the day.  I have to get my plan together for getting back on track with my food.  A trip to the grocery store and the produce place are probably in order since there’s still basically nothing in the house except peanut butter and jelly and coffee!!  Here I go!

Happy Sunday!!

8 responses to “Low Key Eleven

  1. Happy Anniversary! Ali and I just celebrated our 11th so we’re right there with you.

    And I’m glad the WW visit went better than expected!

    Have a fabulous Sunday Fran.

  2. Well, the day started out quite awful for me but ended up being the best because of my beautiful sister and her wild and crazy hubby!

  3. chinese pizza!? what?!?!? what’s in it – i’m amazed!

    Happy happy anniversary Fran! xoxo

    • Hi Jenn!! Chinese pizza tastes pretty much like pizza dough, but it has scallions (green onions) and probably some spices, but I’m not sure about that. I think they’re grilled but I’m not sure about the spices that is. I never heard of them until about 10 years ago. We went to a Chinese restaurant with another couple and they ordered it. It was wonderful and I’ve been hooked ever since!

  4. caloricandcrazy

    those overnight oats look fantastic. the strawberries must be a great addition 🙂

    • Hi! Welcome to BCDC!! Yes the oats are great. I didn’t give the recipe,but it’s simple and you’ll probably see different recipes from other blogs. I use 1/2 chup of oats, 1/3 cup FF vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup soymilk or almond milk, and 1 1/2 tps of chia seeds. You can add anything else you like. This morning I’ll be having it with pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice. Yes, the strawberries were yummy!! Can’t wait! Come back to visit often!!

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