Please Hold

As I got up to get on my exercise bike at about 6am, Ralph said “I want to take you out to breakfast.”  I was shocked he was awake, and we had just gone to breakfast on Sunday.  I said “ok, but I have some things to do first.”  He smiled and went back to sleep.

After finishing my 45 minutes on the bike, I moved on to quite a few phone calls.  Calls to our health care provider for some info on a change in our insurance and then calls to various doctor offices to set up appointments we’ve (I’ve) been slow in scheduling.  Nothing earth shattering, just regular check up things.  After about 15 minutes, everything was lined up.  Now we just have to remember to go!! 😉

After waking Ralph, we headed off to Dunkin’ Donuts.

I had my favorite veggie flat bread sandwich and a small iced coffee.  We had a coupon for the iced coffee and I really do enjoy it.  When summer gets here, I will probably be making my own.

Got some sorting done.  I decided that I should probably rethink some of the books I had packed.  I was not as good at getting rid of them when I originally packed.  I’m being much less sentimental about what I pack and what I donate.  I need to spend a little time over at our storage unit to go through the books there.  I can probably reduce my load by several boxes once I get started.  I’ve GOT to get things going!

Dinner was quick and really a clean out of the fridge.  I still had a stir fry in the bag left in there.  Sadly, it was a little worse for wear.  I rescued most of the broccoli and some of the snow peas.  I hate to waste food and I felt a little better about it because it wasn’t a total loss.

I added some MorningStar Farms beef style veggie strips.  They don’t make these anymore and I recently found a package of them while working through my freezer stash.  These were one of my favorites and I’m sorry to see that they’re no long available. 😦

I served it over bulgur wheat.  I’d never made that before.  The directions I got for making it said to pour 1 3/4 cups of boiling water over 1 cup of bulgur and let it sit for 20 minutes.  It sat for 30 minutes and there was still water in. there.  My stir fry was almost ready by that time so I put the bulgur in the microwave for about 4 minutes and when it came out it was all fluffy and really very tasty without anything on it.  I only used 1 cup of it after it was cooked which is 4 Points on Weight Watchers.  I have about 2 more servings left so I’m happy that I’ll be able to use it throughout the week.

I wanted to share a fun little thing I got at Goodwill over the weekend.  It’s one of those things that cries out for you to buy it.  You know you don’t need it (because you’re sorting and donating…) but you just can’t resist it.  Besides, it was only 49 cents!!

It’s a bowl…

…with a face…

…and a nose…I’m in love.  I think it needs a name.  😉

Somehow I think that breakfast in this little guy will just be more fun.

It’s rainy and dreary and cold.  😦  Hopefully it will improve.  One of today’s projects is moving a car load of stuff from Alice’s house into the Church for the next Rummage Sale.  Hope the rain stops…

Happy Tuesday!!

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