Saturday Snapshot~October 25

Here we are, it’s Saturday again and it’s time for Saturday Snapshot.  Hostessed each week by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads, Saturday Snapshot is a fun place to get together with other people who enjoy taking photos and sharing them.


I love being a part of this link-up but I had the hardest time this week trying to decide on a photo to use.  I jumped into the way back machine to solve my problem.  Well, not That way back but a bit.

In March, I had the pleasure of spending several weeks in Clearwater, Fla. with my best friends, Gail and Alice.  We always have the best time but we’re always looking for new and different things to do.

Gail found that there was a Buddhist Temple in Tampa.  We took a road trip.  I posted pictures before of the Temple itself.  On Sundays, there is also a market where they sell food (which is Excellent) and flowers.  They have an amazing collection of orchids.  I took lots of photos and can’t believe I never shared them.  Hard to choose which photo to share but here’s my choice.

Temple Orchids


A photo doesn’t really do them justice.  The colors were so intense and so varied.  This brings back memories of a beautiful warm day and a new adventure.  It was great fun.

Don’t forget to stop over at West Metro Mommy Reads to see what everyone else is sharing this week.

Happy Saturday!

22 responses to “Saturday Snapshot~October 25

  1. Wow! The lines on the petals are incredible – beautiful capture:-)

  2. Great choice. Love the colours and how crisp the image is. I often find myself digging into the archives to find my photos for Saturday too.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  3. Gorgeous! There is nothing quite like an orchid to showcase the wonders of nature. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

  4. I love orchids, and your picture is just gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful photo!

  6. How lovely to see your orchids. At first I thought they were the same as mine last week, but looking closely I see they are really quite different. Beautiful photo.

  7. Beautiful photo! I love the way you captured the veins in the petals. Just amazing.
    Sandy @Texas Twang

  8. Wow those are so beautiful! Gorgeous color!

  9. Those are gorgeous. Orchids are such fun to photograph.

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