D is for Determination

I’ve made it to Day 4 of the Blogging A to Z Challenge.  So far so good and I’m feeling calm and ready to continue.  Of course, I have no idea what the rest of the alphabet will be, but I enjoy the feeling of adventure!

D is for Determination.  I’m addressing two topics that I probably talk way too much about…Following the Weight Watchers Program and clearing out this crazy house!

I feel that at the moment, I have the Weight Watchers thing under control as I said on Wednesday.  I am making careful, conscious choices and I’m feeling confident (sounds like I’m back on “C” again!)   But those choices combined with my new-found determination will hopefully keep me on track.

It’s all very much based on my determination to staying healthy. I’m in the frame of mind where I wish I still worked for Weight Watchers.  I loved sharing my enthusiasm and determination for the Program with other members.  I still speak up at my meeting that I attend, but I don’t like to sound like a know it all.  I’m certainly not that, and I realize that I always have something I can learn at a meeting or from another member.  Weight Watchers is very much a co-operative thing.

My other determination is getting things done around the house.  On Tuesday I talked about a new beginning and working hard to go through things.  I committed to at least an hour a day.  Tuesday I put in over an hour going through clothes, sorting and assigning to keep or put in the yard sale bin.

Wednesday, I tackled two dressers in the bedroom that had become catch-alls.  Way more than an hour! Both are cleaned and organized.  I had a nice big bag of trash to go out, which proves that I didn’t need most of what was on the dressers.  I also plan to each day, take whatever I deem as trash goes right to the trash can outside so I can’t change my mind.  I also worked my magic on my bedside table.  Boy, had that accumulated a bunch of stuff!!

I should probably concentrate on one area at a time, for instance-finish the bedroom, then move on.  I may try that and work more in there today or I may go back to the basement to the clothes bins…or I may start somewhere else altogether.  The important thing…I have to keep working.

To accomplish that…I need to leave my cushy little computer chair and get started.

I’m determined to accomplish something today and every day!  How about you?!

Happy Thursday!

23 responses to “D is for Determination

  1. Today I want to accomplish my third 5KM run of the week 🙂 Well done on all the clearing out – I bet getting rid of some clutter makes you feel great!

    • Now that’s determination…3 5km runs in a week. I am trying to get this all cleared out. I get great support on BCDC from my readers cheering me on with is wonderful. Now I just have to do it! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. great strategies with the cleaning, fran! (set a time target, fill the trash bags, get rid of the bags right away) – you are definitely on track with the cleaning! i agree – it doesn’t matter whether you continue in a certain room or tackle a new area as long as forward progress is made – good luck today!

  3. my stuff has stuff. my son says he has a box of matches and when we go he will burn the house down.

  4. I’m taking a lot of inspiration from your cleaning strategies. Even a little bit helps!

    Have a great day, Fran!

  5. Good luck with your house! We’re going through that too at the moment – we’re getting ready to move. 🙂

    Found you from the A to Z Challenge. 🙂


  6. Dana, you’ve got such a pleasant outlook. Lovely posting today. I’m new to blogging so I’m making the rounds and seeing who’s out there. I’ll be back to read more of your work. Nicely done.

  7. Yay for having the Weight Watchers under control. That’s a big deal. I used to be a weight loss blogger. I need to find your zeal for doing more around the house. http://mpaxauthor.com

    • Thanks, M! I have been working at WW for a long time and it’s a natural part of my life. I think it is responsible for me being as healthy as I am today. I need to do things around the house because my husband and I have a home in New Mexico and I want to be there. Have to clean this place out to get there. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. definitely need determination to accomplish anything! most of the really difficult things to achieve are also usually the best!
    happy d day!

  9. Cleaning definitely needs determination! I have found that the thorough cleaning I did back in December has really helped minimize the amount I have to do at other times. There’s still so much to do, but I’m making headway. Thanks for the reminder!

    • Glad to hear from you! I’m so behind now, I feel like I’ll never catch up, but I’ve got a goal and it’s called New Mexico. Every day and every bit of clutter I clear gets me closer. Thanks for making me feel I’m not alone in this!

  10. Ok, now… this post made me feel exhausted AND like a slacker! Currently this blogging thing has taken over my life. I’m scheduling my life around it, closing my office door and telling everyone to leave me alone so I can write! 🙂

    Keep up the great work with Weight Watchers! And don’t ever feel bad about sharing and repeating your successes with it. I know you must be an inspiration for many.

    Waiter, drink please!

    • Thanks, Dana. I’m trying to be consistent and keep myself on track with WW. Truthfully, talking about it helps Me. Keeps my mind on what I have to do. I’m feeling so much stronger and it’s a good feeling.

  11. The computer is so much more fun than organizing/cleaning. I have a big list of projects that I’m currently ignoring…

    • Oh, My, I would love to ignore these, Stacie, but if I don’t accomplish them, I’ll never get to NM. That’s my heart’s desire, so I’ve got to get them done. I’m happy that I finally have some…determination!

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